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A set of principles of right conduct

A: enclave.

B: ethics.

C: diversity.

D global.

E: science

Feminist scholars have long insisted that much of the history of women has been erased.

A socioeconomic histories.

B gender histories.

C diasporic histories.

D colonial histories -racial and ethnic histories.

E: social science

The injustices done by any nation are often swept under the carpet.

A: socioeconomic histories.

B gender histories.

C diasporic

E colonial histories -racial and ethnic histories.

6: A massive migration, often caused by war or famine or persecution, that results in the dispersal of a unified group, called…

A socioeconomic histories.

B: gender histories.

C: diasporic histories.

D: colonial histories -racial and ethnic histories.

E: science


As you probably know from history, many nations did not stay within their own border

A: socioeconomic histories.

B: gender histories.

C: diasporic histories.

D colonial histories -racial and ethnic histories.

E: science

Sometimes we often overlook the importance of economy in our society.

A: socioeconomic histories.

B: gender histories.

C diasporic histories.

D colonial histories -racial and ethnic histories.

E: science

Chart means

A: agree.

B: map.

C way.

D: culture.

E: science

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 273 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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