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Prevention. · Some cases of infertility may be avoided by doing the following:

· Some cases of infertility may be avoided by doing the following:

· Avoid drugs and medications known to cause fertility problems.

· Avoid excessive exercise.

· Avoid exposure to environmental hazards such as pesticides.

· Get early treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

· Have regular physical examinations to detect early signs of infections or abnormalities.

· Keep diseases, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, under control.

· Avoid smoking.

· Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.

· Practice stress management.

· Use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

In many cultures, inability to conceive bears a stigma. In closed social groups, a degree of rejection (or a sense of being rejected by the couple) may cause considerable anxiety and disappointment. To avoid this feeling a couple should apply to a psycologist.

P O S T – T E X T A S S I G N M E N T

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

What is infertility?

What is absolute infertility caused by?

May relative infertility be irradicated?

What is primary infertility?

When is a couple considered to be infertile?

What are factors of female infertility?

What are factors of male infertility?

What are the ways of avoiding infertility?

What are preventable measures of infertility?

What are the causes of infertility?

Exercise 8. Give Еnglish equivalents and make up 5 sentences with them:

невозможность забеременеть естественным путем; глубокие необратимые изменения; устранять причины; быстрый спад фертильности (плодовитости); невозможность выносить беременность; значительные нарушения печени; накопление репродуктивных ошибок; заболевания, передающиеся половым путем; выявлять начальные признаки инфекции; профилактика нежелательной беременности; характерный признак; ограничивать прием.

Exercise 9. Chose the verbs to be used with the nouns:

To conceive, to carry, to receive, to have, to get, to control, to limit, to reveal, to cause, to follow

A child, a medical assistance, treatment, pregnancy, regimen, unreversable changes, disease, physical examination, (smoking, alcohol) intake, inflammation, initial signs.

Exercise 10. Read the sentences and say whether they are true to the text.

1. Infertility is one of the severe disorders both for male and female.__________

2. Absolute infertility is when there are changes in human body which make conceiving impossible._____________

3. Primary infertility is a disorder when a female has some pregnancies._____________

4. Secondary infertility is a state when a female has already had one pregnancy._____________

5. Many factors influence male infertility. They are chill, fever, severe headaches, different intestinal disturbances.______________

6. In some cases both man and woman may be infertile and the couple’s infertility arises from combinations of this condition._____________

7. Smoking and alcohol intake don’t influence both male and female infertility.______________

Exercise 11. Insert the preposition where necessary:

1. Infertility is inability to carry pregnancy … term.

2. The patient has an indulgence … drugs that’s why he has to be … a constant doctor’s control.

3. No clear cause can be identified … current diagnostic method.

4. The pathogens causing this infections circulate … blood or lymph and are not discharged … the organism.

5. Direct contact and various things belonging … the sick person may be responsible … spreading the infective agent.

6. Continuous haemorrhage causes decrease … red blood cell count.

7. The doctor saw typical signs … intoxication associated … the overdose … this poisonous drug appearing gradually.

Exercise 12. Translate into English:

1. Бесплодие – это невозможность забеременеть естественным путем. 2. Абсолютное бесплодие – это состояние, когда имеются глубокие необратимые изменения в здоровье мужчины или женщины. 3. Относительное бесплодие – это состояние, когда причины, вызвавшие его, могут быть устранены. 4. Основные причины, относящиеся к женскому бесплодию, - это эндокринные проблемы, заболевания щитовидной железы, болезни надпочечников, нарушения мочеполовой системы и другие. 5. В большинстве случаев мужское бесплодие включает такие заболевания как сахарный диабет, генетические повреждения, травму, инфекционные заболевания, такие как паротит, скарлатина, корь и другие.

Exercise 13. Read the text. Tell about:

absolute and relative infertility;

primary and secondary infertility;

prevention of male infertility;

prophylaxis of female infertility.

Exercise 14. Give summary of the text.


1. Infertility is the... to naturally conceive a child.

a) ability

b) possibility

c) inability

d) impossibility

e) responsibility

2. Absolute infertility is when there are... which make pregnancy impossible.

a) concomitant diseases

b) deep unreversable changes

c) severe disorders

d) significant liver insufficiency

e) various psychological factors

3. We know antibiotics... in treating inflammations.

a) to be effective

b) are effective

c) is efficient

d) was effective

e) will be efficient

4. The students watched the professor... the patient.

a) will examine

b) examines

c) inspects

d) was examining

e) to examine

5. What... absolute infertility... by?

a) is caused

b) cause

c) do cause

d) is causing

e) was causing

6. What... preventable measures of infertility?

a) is

b) do

c) did

d) are

e) does

7. The patient with acute phaiyngitis usually complaints of tension in the …

a) ear

b) nose

c) heart

d) uvula

e) throat

8. The patient... to fallow home treatment

a) to be allowed

b) allow

c) has been allowed

d) is allowed

e) allows

9. The patient is recommended to gargle his throat... a warm solution of sodium bicarborbonate.

a) about

b) with

c) above

d) over

e) to

10. When the patient... from high fever he needs more liquids than usual.

a) suffers

b) to suffer

c) has been suffered

d) is suffered

e) was suffered

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