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The animal kingdom

1. LEAD-IN___________________________________________________________

1.1. Answer the following questions:

a) What is evolution?

b) Do you believe in the theory of evolution? Why? Why not?

c) How did evolution influence our world?

d) Was it crucial for both the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom?

e) What creatures and plants used to populate the Earth?

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1.2. Look at the pictures and try to match the ancestor with its descendant. If you know anything about them, try to ambulocetus describe these species.

e.g. Andrewsarchus was a huge carnivorous as tall as a horse

and weighing close to a ton. Despite appearance, andrewsarchus is not related to modern scavengers like dogs or hyenas, bizarrely it had hooves on its feet instead of claws. In fact, its nearest modern relatives are hoofed animals like Propalaeotherium sheep andgoats.

Can you give any other examples?

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Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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