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Summarize two texts in 5-7 sentences

GLOBAL WARMING IS DRIVING LIZARDS TO EXTINCTION Species can respond to global warming in two ways: adapt and survive, or die. Biologists foresee climate change driving many species to extinction over the next century, especially those that are unable to adjust rapidly enough. Plants and animals evolved to survive in specific ecological niches, and while some may adapt to new environments – and many have already – for many others, it will take time. But the changes driven by human-generated greenhouse gases may be coming on too fast. That's exactly what appears to be happening with the worldwide lizard population. A few years ago, a team of herpetologists first noticed a suspicious pattern of extinctions among populations of European lizards. At the time, it wasn't clear why they were dying – it could have been global warming, but it also could have been disease or loss of habitat. So researchers set out to get the hard evidence, ultimately launching a global study that eventually drew in more than two dozen scientists from around the world. The results, appearing in the May 14 issue of Science, are dramatic: populations of lizards have been lost on five continents over the past few decades, and based on these extinction patterns – and the current rate of global warming – scientists predict that by 2080 nearly 40% of all lizard populations and 20% of lizard species could vanish. Given that lizards are a key source of food for many birds, snakes and other animals, and are important predators of insects, the disappearance of these animals could have major repercussions up and down the food chain. FROGS OF SOUTH AMERICA CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT There aren't a whole lot of global warming skeptics left, but those who still need some convincing should take a look at the frogs of Central and South America. According to a new study in the journal Nature, the little critters are dying fast, and climate change is to blame. There are a number of reasons humans should care about frogs, not the least being that they're so-called indicator species – particularly sensitive animals that are the first to die when climate goes awry. As such they can warn us of problems when there still might be time to fix things. Biologists know that since 1979, two-thirds of 110 species of frogs have vanished in the American tropics. J. Alan Pounds, a resident biologist at the Monte Verde Cloud Forest Preserve in Costa Rica, wanted to determine if climate is indeed to blame. To do so, he and his colleagues studied voluminous records of frog extinctions from 1979 to 1998 and compared them with records of atmospheric and ocean temperatures in the same period. The results: 80% of species deaths indeed occurred after especially warm years, with the overheated 1987 claiming five species all by itself. Pounds and his colleagues believe it's not the heat specifically that's causing the deaths, but rather a fungus that attacks frogs and thrives as the climate changes. Paradoxically, the fungus prefers things cooler rather than hotter, but planetary heating actually results in daytime cooling of the frogs' and fungus's habitat since it leads to more evaporation, which in turn produces shade-producing clouds. The best way to stabilize all of the thermometer fluctuations is dial back the greenhouse gasses. Frogs, after all, are only the beginning.

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6.2. Write an article about 200 words long to a local / national magazine or newspaper to attract public attention to wildlife and the problems of extinction.

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