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Fill in the gaps with the words from the table (Ex. 14)

1. What long-term social and economic __________ did it have on the families who lived in the burnt district?

2. Protected areas have been used effectively for the __________ of coral reefs and other ecosystems.

3. This territory is rapidly __________.

4. The long-term __________ of our nation relies on new ways to deal with water shortages.

5. The couple have created a seven and a half acre nature ____.

6. The armies that met on these battlefields together __________ fewer than 6,000 soldiers.

7. The aerosol particles from burning fossil fuels are likely to have contributed to the__________ in clear days in China.

8. Over the years, the house deteriorated until the local authorities deemed it unfit for human or animal __________.

9. If it is a mass __________, how serious is that?

10. Huntsville has __________ its economy.

11. It's hard to imagine that alligators were once __________.

12. His mother is a horse __________.

13. Coral reefs, including those in the Bahamas, are particularly __________.

14. There aren't enough of them to breed and build up a __________ population.

15. Animal __________ argue in favor of less-violent tactics, such as reduced speed limits and use of spray repellents and taller fences to keep deer from gardens.

3.8. Fill in the gaps with prepositions from the text and then fill in the gaps to complete the sentences. ___a bind, susceptible ___, come ___ the scene, to number ___ the thousands, risk ___, fit ___, wipe ___, vulnerable ___, decrease ___, push ___, give way ___, ___ a rate,   1. After I graduated from the school in Blessing, a catastrophe of hoof-and-mouth disease __________ all the cloven-footed animals. 2. By the 1980s, visitors __________ the thousands; by the 1990s, they reached the tens of thousands. 3. Catastrophic wildfire and number of populations as factors influencing __________ extinction for Gila trout. 4. The oil is leaking from that sunken oil rig __________ of about a thousand barrels a day. 5. France __________ a " Mediterranean Union " to solidify French and north African interests. 6. It really puts the Democrats __________. 7. There has been a quantifiable __________ the occurrence of major armed conflict. 8. Not surprisingly, musicians are particularly __________ developing an earworm. 9. Barrie says his product __________ at a time of an epidemic of plagiarism. 10. The hottest chili peppers are protected from fungus but are more __________ droughts and ants. 11. Wulfe's story __________ what Garn had told him. 12. It was fall now, the green having _________ something umber and cracked.      

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