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Exercise 21. Writing. Formal and informal letters

1 Look at the organization of a formal letter in English. Is it the same as in your language? Think about the position and content of the two addresses and the date, the beginnings and endings or letters.

2 Choose the words that are more formal or appropriate in the letter. What makes a letter more or less formal?

The letter below is a formal letter to a hotel. Write an informal letter to an English friend. Give some of your news, then ask if he/she could put you up for a few nights. Explain why. Think about how to open and close the letter, and how to write the address on the envelope.

Reservations Manager Carlton Hotel 78, Park Lane Bristol BH12 3GR

June 16

Dear Jack/Sir or Madam

I am writing/This is just a note to confirm a reservation that was made/I asked you for this morning by telephone. The reservation, for a couple of/two nights, is for me/myself, David Cook.

I want/would like a room with a bathroom, from 12-14 July inclusive.

I will be attending/'m going to pop into the Trade Fair that is being held/ is going on in Bristol that week.

Is it all right/Would it be possible for me to have a room at the back of the hotel? I think/am afraid that the room I was given/you gave me last year was rather/really noisy.

Thank you/Thanks for sending me the brochure about/regarding your conference facilities, which I got/received this morning. They look most interesting/great. Unfortunately/I'm sorry I can't give you/am unable to provide you with any definite dates at the moment/now, as/because we have yet to finalize/sort out the details of our sales conference. But/However, I will contact you/'ll drop you a line as soon as I can/possible.

I look/'m looking forward to meeting you on 12 July.

Best wishes/Yours faithfully

David Cook

117 Fulham Palace Road London SW11 Phone 0171 437 8955

Fax number 01714376900

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