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Useful marks

Tower (50°59' N, 0°58'E), square, red brick.

Six Martello towers standing near the coast between Dymchurch (51°01'N, 1°00' E) and Hythe, 4 miles NE.

Two green domes (51°05' N, 1°10' W) of hotels standing on the cliffs, 1 mile W of Folkestone.


East Road (50°58'N, 1°02'E) is sheltered from the SW through W to N. The recommended anchorage is N of Swallow Bank and E of Roar Bank, depths 12 to 18 m, in the red sector of Dungeness Light, bearing about 206'.

Sundgate Road, off Sandgate (51°04'N, 1°08'E), is sheltered in offshore winds. There is good holding ground, mud and clay, in depths of 11 to 15 m.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What factors should be taken into account when choosing an anchorage position?

2. What ropes are run out from the ship and secured to bollards ashore?

3. What documents should be prepared aboard the ship before pilot's embarkation?

4. How many types of mark does the IALA system provide? What are their names?

5. What is the difference between tides and tidal streams?

III. Translate the following sentences into English.

1 Буи нужно рассматривать как предупредительные знаки.

2. Течения образуют водовороты в канале.

3. Пройдёте эту скалу на расстоянии 10 миль.

4. По приходу в порт капитан обязан официально известить об этом


5. Приготовьте лоцманский трап с правого борта.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 180 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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