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Coastal route, East of Goodwin Sands

Goodwin Sands should he given a wide berth when passing to the E. From a position SE of Dover Harbour (51°07'N, 1'20'E) the coastal route leads 10 miles NE to the E of Goodwin Sands, thence a further 10 miles N to a position E of Ramsgate, passing (with positions from South Sand Head (51°10N, 1'30'E)):

SE of South Foreland (4 ½ miles WSW), a bold headland on which stands 4 ½ a disused lighthouse. The headland is faced with irregular chalk cliffs which have layers of flint in horizontal lines.


SE of South Goodwin Light-float (1 ½ miles SSW) and SW Goodwin Light-buoy (S cardinal) (1 mile SSW), marking the S extremity of South Sand Head, the S point of South Calliper. Depths around the head are subject to large sandwave action.


NW of CS4 Light- buoy (special) (3 miles ESE) which marks the NW side of the Dover Strait Traffic Separation Scheme. The light-buoy is in an area to be avoided as it has been damaged by vessels set down on it by the cross tidal stream and it should therefore be given a wide berth.


SE and E of South Calliper (centre 3 ½ miles NE) the S part of Goodwin Sands, which stretches 7 ½ miles NNE from the South Sand Head and is marked on its SE side by S Goodwin Light-buoy.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What structures are lights exhibited from?

2. How are dangers marked?

3. Why should the mooring lines be constantly watched?

4. In what case is the Certificate of Pratique given to the ship?

5. What should the OOW do when he is in any doubt as to the pilot's actions?

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 243 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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