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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it. There is an anchorage area in Outer Harbour (4.61), indicated on the chart, lying parallel to and between 2 and 3 cables NW of Southern Breakwater


There is an anchorage area in Outer Harbour (4.61), indicated on the chart, lying parallel to and between 2 and 3 cables NW of Southern Breakwater. It is dredged to 8m but liable to change. The holding ground is fairly good, although cautions required in strong winds. The inner limit of the anchorage area is marked by buoys (special) with light-buoys (special) at the extremities of the limit. Vessels should not anchor outside the designated anchorage area.

Tidal streams

Between Selsey Bill (50” 43’N, 0” 47’W) and Royal Sovereign Shoal, 45 miles E, there is approximately two hours difference in the times at which the streams start to run. Further E there is a similar time difference over 25 miles. This can be put to advantage by a vessel proceeding E from Selsey Bill commencing at the start of the E-going stream (+6 hours HW Dover). At 10 kn the vessel arrives at Royal Sovereign Light (50” 43’N, 0” 26’E) 2 hours after the start of the E-going stream, but continuing E the vessel arrives off Dungeness just as the E-going stream starts to run. This stream can then be carried another 5 or 6 hours into the North Sea. At slower speeds vessels will lose the E-going stream before reaching Royal Sovereign Light, while at higher speeds vessels will overtake the start of the E-going stream.

These circumstances only apply in shore. In mid-channel a time difference of 4 hours occurs over 50 miles and off the French coast over 75 miles.

The E-going stream generally sets NE towards the bays between Selsey Bill and Dungeness, but the W-going stream sets SW clear of the land. The E onshore set is of little consequence to E bound vessels, but could have a considerable effect on W bound vessels proceeding against it.

To the N of the line between Selsey Bill and Beachy Head the tidal streams are much weaker than off the points. They are shown on the charts and in the Admiralty Tidal Atlas English Channel.


In poor visibility vessels unsure of their position should remain to seaward of the 30 m depth contour between Outer Owers (50” 40’N, 0” 41’W), 5 miles SE of Selsey Bill, and Beachy Head. This precaution keeps vessels well clear of Owers. Outer Owers and the shoals off Bognor Regis are described in the Channel Pilot. There are numerous wrecks along the coast, in particular between Beachy head and Dungeness and up to 9 miles offshore. Many of these wrecks stand well above the seabed and may need to be avoided.


Entry is only recommended at the end of the in-going stream, about 30 minutes before HW, when the NNE-going stream is weak.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you know about the shapes and colors of buoys and beacons?

2. What is the difference between Fl and Oc?

3. What is the simplest method of securing a ship to the bottom?

4. What should be provided in this case?

5. What are neap tides caused by?

6. What papers do the Port Authorities require?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. В ночное время и в условиях плохой видимости суда обязаны нести ходовые или якорные огни. Ходовые огни – это один-два белых топовых огня, два бортовых огня, зеленый и красный, и белый гакобортный огонь.

2. Остановите двигатель до тех пор, пока лоцманское судно не отойдет от борта.

3. Судам не следует становиться на якорь в районе прокладки подводных кабелей, местонахождение которых обозначено волнистыми линиями на карте.

4. Направление и скорость приливно-отливных течений зависит от глубины воды, очертаний суши, а также от преобладающих ветров и постоянных течений.

5. Капитан подписывает обязательство о том, что облагаемые пошлиной судовые запасы будут использованы только для нужд команды.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 231 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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