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IV. Rewrite and translate the following inscriptions on the chart. 1. Beacons for adjusting compasses are erected in various positions in K., but are not shown on the chart

1. Beacons for adjusting compasses are erected in various positions in K., but are not shown on the chart.

2. Details of the annual periods of exhibiting of certain Lights on this chart will be found in the Admiralty List of Lights.

3. Depths in the Red Sea obtained with Echo Soundings apparatus calibrated on the basis of a velocity of sound of 4.800 feet per second should be increased by 5 per cent to agree with charted depths.

V. Translate part of the dialogue by VHF into English. Rewrite the whole dialogue:

M/V “Odessa” – Liverpool Pilot station. This is m/v “Odessa”. Мой позывной UNOT на канале девять. Over.

Pilot Station “Odessa” – Вызывает лоцманская станция. Over.

M/V “Odessa” – Pilot station. This is “Odessa”. Как Вы меня слышите? Over.

Pilot Station “Odessa” - This is Pilot station. Слышу Вас плохо. Switch on Channel one two. Прием.

M/V “Odessa” – Pilot station. This is “Odessa” on channel one two. How do you read me now? Over.

Pilot Station “Odessa” - This is Pilot station. Слышимость отличная. Over.

M/V “Odessa” – Pilot station. This is “Odessa”. Information: Прибываю на внешний рейд сегодня в двадцать часов по местному времени. Request: Нам нужен лоцман для карантинной якорной стоянки. Over.

Pilot Station “Odessa” - This is LIVERPOOL Pilot station. Вопрос: Где Вы сейчас находитесь? Over.

M/V “Odessa” – Pilot station. This is “Odessa”. Я бросил левый якорь в трех милях от мыса P. Информация: Owing to tidal stream and bad holding ground I am swinging too much. Нуждаюсь в Вашем совете. Over.

Pilot Station “Odessa” -This is Pilot station. Advice: Поменяйте Вашу якорную стоянку две мили западнее точки P. Over.

M/V “Odessa” - Pilot station. This is “Odessa”. Действия выполняю. Я снимусь с якоря и проследую в рекомендованную позицию. Over.

Pilot Station “Odessa” - This is Pilot station. Просьба: как только Вы достигните рекомендованной позиции, свяжитесь с нами на канале 13. Over.

M/V “Odessa” - Pilot station. This is “Odessa”. Следую к рекомендованной точке. Thank you. Out.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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