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Traffic signals

International Port Traffic Signals Nos 2 and 3 (see The Mariner's Handbook for details), regulating the movement of vessels to and from the Royal Harbour, are exhibited from the Port Control Building on the East Pier. The Royal Harbour Seaward signal applies to vessels entering the harbour limits from seaward. The Royal Harbour Exit signal applies to vessels in the Royal Harbour.

A Ferry Movement Signal (orange flashing light) is exhibited from the Port Control Building on the East Pier; The route continues N, passing (with positions from Ramsgate South Breakwater Light (51° 19' N, 1° 26' E)): to the SW entry point of Gull Stream (4% miles SSE), which lies between S Brake Light-buoy (port hand) and W Goodwin Light-buoy (starboard hand), thence:

Through Gull Stream (3 miles SE). The fairway, which is marked by light-buoys, leads NE. Gull Stream is bordered to the W by Brake, which has drying patches, and the other numerous detached shoals off Ramsgate extending up to 4 miles offshore, and to the E by the NW edge of the N part of the Goodwin Sands which extend SW to Fork. Recent movements of the mobile seabed around the S entrance to the Gull Stream, NE of the Downs Light-buoy have led to a general shoaling in that area. A sand bar, subject to sandwave action, lies near the NE end of Gull Stream. Thence:

To the NE entry- point of Gull Stream (4 miles E), which is E of Ramsgate and lies between Gull Light-buoy (E cardinal) marking Gull a shoal, and Goodwin Knoll Light-buoy (starboard hand), marking the N extremity of Goodwin Knoll (4.94).

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What does bringing a vessel alongside a wharf depend on?

2. What are tides?

3. What are they caused by?

4. Why are several alignments given in a pilot-book?

5. How many types of buoys and marks are there in IALA system? What are they?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Два огня, расположенные по вертикали на высоте 20 и 26 футов, установлены на белой бетонной мачте с черными полосами 16 футов высотой, расположенной на оконечности мола Б.

2. Наименьшая глубина над этой банкой 19 саженей, грунт- камень.

3. Приведите вершину холма А. в створ с церковью.

4. Приливное течение устанавливается к востоку, а отливное к западу.

5. Каковы здесь портовые сборы?

IV. Rewrite and translate the following inscriptions on the chart.

1. Underlined figures on drying banks and rocks express the height in feet above the datum to which the soundings are reduced. All other heights are expressed in feet above HWS.

2. Vessels are warned not to anchor in the area enclosed by pecked lines between P. and Island K., owing to existence of Telegraph Cable.

3. Certain light sectors are not shown on this chart, details of these and also of the annual periods of certain lights will be found in the Admiralty list of signals.

V. Translate part of the dialogue by VHF into English. Rewrite the whole dialogue:

Port Control: Alfa, Alfa, Alfa. Говорит Port Control on VHF channel one six. Как слышите меня? Приём.

Alfa: Port Control. This is " Alfa ". Слышу вас плохо with signal strength 1. Перейдите на канал 6. Приём.

P.C: Говорит Port Control. Согласен. Перехожу на канал 6. Приём.

A.: Говорит " A ". Слышу вас отлично with signal strength 5. Приём.

P.C: Говорит " P.C ". Информация: you are entering the area с интенсивным движением. Вопрос: What is your предполагаемое время прибытия at Pilot station по местному времени? Приём.

A.: Говорит Alfa. Answer: Моё предполагаемое время прибытия at Pilot station в 15.30 по местному времени. Приём.

P.C: Говорит " P.C ". Roger. Совет: Stop in present position and wait for the pilot. Причина. The traffic is rather dense in the area. Приём.

A.: Говорит Alfa. Приняли правильно. Согласен. I will stop in present position and wait for the pilot. Приём.

P.C: Говорит " P.C ". Приняли правильно. Дежурьте на этом канале. Nothing more. Приём окончен.

V. The pilot is aboard your ship. He is on the bridge. What document should be completed beforehand and handed over to the pilot? What information about the ship does this card contain? (BPG. ANNEX 1).

VII. Read and translate the information about one of the ports from "Guide to Port Entry”. Get ready to comment on this information and discuss it with the teacher.


Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 366 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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