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Exercise 13. Fill in the blanks with a noun form from the parentheses

1. Whose book is this? It’s the teacher’s. (teacher’s, teachers)

2. Whose toothbrush is that? It’s my..... (sister’s, sisters’)

3. Whose lunch boxes are those? They’re the..... (worker’s, workers’)

4. What do they sell there? They sell..... (flower, flowers)

5. What do the children laugh at? The funny..... (clowns, clowns’)

6. What have they bought? A pair of..... (shoe, shoes)

7. Who uses this book? The..... (teacher, teacher’s)

8. Who has left these shoes here? The..... (children, children’s)

9. Whose children are those? They’re that..... (woman’s, women’s)

10. Have you called your sister? No, the..... wasn’t working. (phone, phones)

11. Does she want to be a nurse? – No, a..... life is hard. (nurse, nurse’s)

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with another form of the underlined noun.

1. Mr Kidd has a son in the army and two sons in the navy.

2. Our family have lunch in the park on Sunday. Many..... are there.

3. A woman asks the clerk, «Where do you have.... hats?»

4. Herb and Oliver have new bikes...... bike is green.

5. Your teacher is not in school. She’s at a..... meeting today.

6. My wife wants to go to the party. Many..... don’t want to go.

7. Today is Sunday. This month has five......

8. One farmer’s house is on fire. All the other..... help him.

9. He has fourteen cows. One..... leg is broken.

10. The boss will be here soon. Don’t sit there; that’s the..... chair.

Exercise 15. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Что случилось?

2. Я уже прочитала эту книгу.

3. Начался дождь.

4. Я его еще не видела.

5. Сегодня я не была в библиотеке.

6. Я не встречала его с весны.

7. Я проработала здесь уже 5 лет.

8. Сколько лет ты живешь на этой улице?


Task 1. Read the text and guess the meaning of the underlined words in the text. Then answer the questions below.


Hitch-hiking was once a cheap and friendly way to travel but nowadays it is quite dangerous. You often hear stories of hitch-hikers who are attacked or murdered by drivers, or of drivers who are robbed by hitch-hikers. Because of this, hitch-hiking is not allowed in many countries.

Danny, 15, a schoolboy.

«I live in the country. I often hitch-hike into town to save money. I always get lifts from people I know but sometimes I have to wait quite a long time».

Paul, 20, a student.

«I’ve hitch-hiked for three years, I’ve been all over Europe. I enjoy it. You meet a lot of people and visit many interesting places».

Susan, 42, a housewife.

«I don’t like it. I think it’s dangerous. None of my children are allowed to do it. I prefer to buy them a train ticket than let them hitch-hike».

Kerry, 19, a nurse.

«I’ve hitch-hiked since I was sixteen. I don’t go alone. I go with my boy-friend or a girlfriend. My mum hates it but I’ve never had any bad experiences. I know how to look after myself».

Answer the questions:

1. Is hitch-hiking only dangerous for hitch-hikers?

2. Is hitch-hiking allowed in all countries?

3. Would you choose hitch-hiking as the way to travel? Give reasons.

Danny 1. Where does he live? 2. Why does he hitch-hike? 3. Does he always get a lift at once? Susan 1. What does she think of hitch-hiking? 2. Do her children hitch-hike? 3. What does she prefer to do?
Paul 1. How long has he hitch-hiked? 2. Where has he been? 3. Does he like it? Why? Kerry 1. How long has she hitch-hiked? 2. Does she hitch-hike alone? 3. Has she ever had any bad experiences?

Task 2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

1. Is the dog intelligent?

2. Does the dog have a nice temperament?

3 Why does the man love his dog?


Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 500 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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