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Exercise 3. Make affirmative or negative sentences without changing the verb

The students Alice Peter We The Parkers Paul They The child I hasn’t done the work haven’t seen Michael have been here has met her twice have been Anne’s friends has lived in Paris has done much work has been ill haven’t called up Sam have known George has gone to bed have prepared their homework has come back from the theatre of late lately yet this week today since 9 o’clock for a week for ten years already

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences with the given alternatives using

«for» and «since».

1. I haven’t seen you. 2. We’ve been here. 3. She hasn’t spoken to me. 4. They have lived in this street. 5. I haven’t had time to do it. 6. We haven’t bought any new ones. 7. I haven’t eaten any meat. 8. There hasn’t been a famine here. 9. Nobody has written to me. 10. I haven’t spoken Spanish. 11. You haven’t sent me any money. 12. It hasn’t rained here. Christmas/three days an hour and a half/January more than two years/last week 1919/the last ten years/a long time I was ill/last Monday a week/ages/then over a year/I was a boy centuries/the Middle Ages many weeks/my birthday 1955/ten years last Saturday/fifteen days more than a month/March

Exercise 5. Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.

1. He, never, to London, been, before, has.

2. We, seen, a friend of ours, just, have.

3. She, a letter, written, her, to, parents, lately, has.

4. I, interesting, have, a book, very, read, this week.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 668 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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