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Grammar exercises

1. Choose the correct variant.

1. I was told my friends (to visit) the art gallery the following week. a) had visited; b) was visited; c) would visit 2. Teacher told us the story that (to happen) many centuries ago. a) would happen; b) had happened; c) has happened 3. He understood that his brother (to want) to go with him. a) wants; b) had wanted; c) wanted 4. She hoped that her parents (not to return) home early. a) didn’t return; b) haven’t returned; c) wouldn’t return 5. Margaret knew that we (to be) at the conference then. a) were; b) are; c) had been 6. Bill said that he (to be) busy the day before. a) would be; b) was; c) had been 7. He told us that he (to translate) the text then. a) had translated; b) was translating; c) had translated 8. I knew that my classes already (to finish).a) had finished; b) are finished; c) were finished 9. They thought that he (to come) in some minutes. a) had come; b) had came; c) would come 10. He didn’t know that she (to leave) a week ago. a) was leaving; b) had left; c) left

2. Change into reported speech.

1. John (to his sister): Buy three envelopes for me. 2. Richard (to his younger brother): Don’t play in the street. 3. Kate (to her friend): Let me have the August number of the magazine, please. 4. Steve (to his mother): We have received a registered letter from Moscow. 5. Rose: I hope I shall be back in an hour. 6. Roger: I have never been in mountains. 7. Jack: I’m expecting a letter from my pen-friend. 8. Mother to her children: Don’t turn off the gas! 9. Man: I had to buy the newspaper at a stand. 10. Woman (to the shop-assistant): Have you weighed and rapped up the chicken?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 823 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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