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Put these sentences in the question and negative forms

1. Trevor and Laura will have lived here for four years next April.

2. This chess game is going to last ages. They won't have finished it until midnight.

3. I will have read this book by the time it's due back to the library.

4. My husband will have finished his work by half past eight, so he should be home about nine.

5. Phone me after 8 o’clock. We ’ll have finished dinner by then.

2. Translate into English.

1. 1.Моя сестра вернется домок к 10 часам. Перезвоните позднее.

2. К концу сентября мы получим хорошую премию.

3. Я плохо себя чувствую, но к концу надели я выздоровлю.

4. На следующей неделе у меня будет больше времени, так как я сдам все экзамены.

5. Когда мой папа вернется домой, он будет очень усталым.

3. Paul wants to be an artist. He's reading about a famous artist called Winston Plummer.

Winston Plummer was a great artist, who had a wonderful career. He won lots of prizes before he was twenty. By the age of twenty-five he had had his own exhibition. He was the subject of a TV documentary by the time he was thirty. By the age of thirty-five he had become world-famous. He made millions of pounds from his pictures before he was forty.

Paul is daydreaming about his own future career. What is he thinking?

Model: I hope I’ll have won lots of prizes before I'm twenty.

1. Perhaps ……………...... my own exhibition by the age of twenty-five.

2. I wonder if...................................................... by the time I'm thirty.

3. Maybe ………………………..……………. by the age of thirty-five.

4. I hope............................................................ by the age of forty.

4. How good is your maths? Can you work out the answers?

Model: It's quarter to six. Melanie is putting something in the oven. It needs to be in the oven for an hour and a half. When will it have cooked? It will have cooked at quarter past seven.

1. It's seven o'clock in the evening, and Andrew is starting to write an essay. He writes one page every fifteen minutes. He plans to finish the essay at midnight. How many pages will he have written? He will have written...... pages.

2. It's Monday morning, and Sarah is travelling to work. It's twenty miles from her home to the office. How far will she have travelled to and from work by the time she gets home on Friday? She will have traveled.......... miles.

3. Matthew is doing press-ups – one every two seconds. How many will he have done after five minutes? He will have done............ press-ups.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1975 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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