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Put in the verbs. Use the present perfect continuous

Ilona: Sorry I'm late.

Model: Emma: It's OK. … I haven't been waiting… (I / not / wait) long.

What (l)................. (you/do)?

Nelly: I've been with Mrs. King. (2)................. (she / help) me with my English.

Nelly: Your English is very good. You don't need lessons, surely.

How long (3)........................ (you / study) English?

Ilona: Er, eight years now. But my accent wasn't so good before I came to England. (4).............. (I / try) to improve it. I think (5)..................... (it / get) better lately.

Nelly: Your accent is fine, Ilona. Honestly.

Unit 10. Глагол. The Passive Voice

Глагол-сказуемое в Passive Voice (страдательный залог) показывает, что подлежащее предложения является объектом действия со стороны другого лица или предмета.

I wrote three letters yesterday/Past Simple of the Active Voice /-

Three letters were written yesterday / the Past Simple Passive /

Времена страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола в соответствующем времени действительного залога и глагола- сказуемого в форме причастия прошедшего времени Participle II (- ed /III форма неправильного глагола) глагола сказуемого.

– Объект действия выражен подлежащим, а субъект действия либо совсем не упоминается, либо указан с предлогами by или with.

Football is played all over the world. / The sky was covered with clouds.

Времена Perfect Continuous и Future Continuous в страдательном залоге не употребляются.

Present simple: We bakethe bread here. The bread is bakedhere.
Present continuous: We are bakingthe bread. The bread is being baked.
Present perfect: We have bakedthe bread. The bread has been baked.
Past simple: We bakedthe bread yesterday. The bread was bakedyesterday.
Past continuous: We were bakingthe bread. The bread was being baked.
Past perfect: We had bakedthe bread. The bread had been baked.  
Future simple:   To be going to: We will bake the bread next. We are going to bakethe bread. The bread will be bakednext. The bread is going to be baked.
Modals: We should bake the bread soon. The bread should be baked soon.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 889 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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