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Exercise 6. Choose the right variant to fill in the gaps in the sentences

1. the coats of the ladies –

a) the lady's coats

b) the ladies' coats

c) the ladies's coats

2. the hobbies of the women –

a) the woman's hobbies

b) the women's hobbies

c) the womens' hobbies

3. the shoes of the players –

a) the players' shoes

b) the players's shoes

c) the player's shoes

4. the future of our boys –

a) our boy's future

b) our boys' future

c) our boys's future

5. the bathtub of Archimedes –

a) Archimedes's bathtub

b) Archimede's bathtub

c)Archimedes' bathtub

6. the business of Anne and Francis –

a) Anne and Francis' business

b) Anne's and Francis' business

c) Anne and Francis's business

7. the diary of my boss –

a) my boss's diary

b) my boss' diary

c) my bosses diary

8. the clothes of men –

a) mens clothes

b) men's clothes

c) mens' clothes

9. the girlfriend of my brother-in-law –

a) my brother-in-law's girlfriend

b) my brother's-in-law girlfriend

c) my brother's-in-law's girlfriend

7. What do we call these things and people? Use the structure noun + noun.

1. A ticket for a concert is a concert ticket.

2. A magazine about computers is ________________________

3. Photographs taken on your holiday are your ______________

4. Chocolate made with milk is___________________________

5. Somebody whose job is to inspect factories is _____________

6. A hotel in central London is __________________________

7. The results of your examinations are your _______________

8. The carpet in the dining room is _______________________

9. A scandal involving a football club is ___________________

10. A question that has two parts is ________________________

11. A girl who is seven years old is ________________________

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 916 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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