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Ex. 2. Answer the questions

1. What do we use our clothes for?

2. What should we keep in mind when buying clothes?

3. Can we afford to buy new clothes every day?

4. What are the main rules when buying things?

5. What does versatile item mean?

6. What does it mean to be out-of-date?

Ex. 3. Say

a) When: 1) does one wear a raincoat?

2) do people wear pajamas?

3) do people wear sweaters?

4) do women carry sunshades?

b) Where: 1) do people carry money?

2) do people carry a handkerchief?

3) do soldiers carry their clothes and other necessaries?

4) do people carry or keep documents, letters, etc.?

Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with the words best suited to the text from those given below.

a) to dress - to wear - to put on

1. People don’t... very long coats nowadays. 2. I took a bath, …… and went on. 3. She didn’t want to …….her raincoat and took an umbrella instead. 4. Yesterday at her brother's birthday she...…a very pretty blouse. 5. I saw him …… his new sweater before the mirror.

b) fit - match – suit

1. I think this plain cotton dress will ……me, I want something for everyday wear. 2. You must buy grey gloves to ….. your hat. 3. This suit does not …… you, it is tight in the shoulders. 4. Buy a green hat, this color ……you more than any other.

c) cut - fashion - style

1. He was dressed according to the …… of his youth. 2. This ……in hats is out-of-date. 3. My brother has always been fond of sports…… in clothes.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 747 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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