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Choose the correct answers

1. Why does the man think the case is going to the district court?

A The case relates to a particular subject.

B He believes it has exclusive jurisdiction.

C He asked to have it tried in the district court.

D It might rule in their favor.

2. What is most likely to happen next?

A The man is going to research the subject of the case.

B The woman is going to adjudicate the case in the district


C The woman is going to see which legal bodies have


D The man is going to make sure the case is under territorial


Listen again and complete the conversation.

Lawyer 1: Which court is this case going to?

Lawyer 2: Probably to the district court. It has 1 ________


Lawyer 1: A subject-specific court is able to 2 _______ this

matter, too. Right?

Lawyer 2: I don’t think so.

Lawyer 1: Really? I thought jurisdiction was 3 _______.

Lawyer 2: You’re 4 _______to check. But I don’t think any

other 5 ______ ______have authority.

Lawyer 1: I’ll find out. I think we could choose a court

more likely to rule in our 6 ______.

Lawyer 2: I hope you’re right.

8. Use the conversation from Task 7 to complete the attorney’s



The case is likely to go to the _____ ______ because ____.

______ believes that ______ can also _______.

We must check whether there is ______ _______.

Then we can choose a court that ______.

Unit 7

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 1765 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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