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The Rules and Language of the Courtroom

The judicial system is full of traditions and protocol. If you are to

appear in court, it’s good to know the basics.

Before the judge enters the room, the clerk says “All rise”. At this

point, everyone stands up.

You are sworn in by the clerk. Don’t lie when you are under oath.

The result is being charged with perjury.

Speak to the judge clearly and don’t interrupt. Always address the

judge as “Your Honor”. You cannot approach the bench.

Only lawyers are allowed to enter “the well”. Then they talk to the

judge off the record.

Fill in the blanks using words from the text.

lies protocols addressing All rise

There are a large number of 1_________ when appearing in court.

For example, when the clerk says 2 “________”, everyone stands up.

After being sworn in, a person is then under oath. If a person 3______

under oath, he or she risks being charged with perjury. There are also

rules for 4________ the judge.

Read the sentences and choose the correct word.

1. Margaret had to tell the truth because she was (off the record /

under oath).

2. All people in court are expected to (address / interrupt) the judge

as “Your Honor”.

3. The judge told the lawyers to (approach the bench / all rise).

4. The conversation between the attorney and the judge was (off

the record / sworn in).

Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined


1. When the judge arrived, the clerk said, “Everyone, stand up”.

A approach the bench

B All rise

C Your Honor

2. The prosecutor stood in the area in front of the bench to give

his argument.

A bench

B protocol

C well

3. It is important for people to know the proper rules and

t raditions for attending court.

A oath

B protocol

C record

4. When Miss Ashley was on the witness stand, she was made

t o promise to tell the truth.

A off the record

B sworn in

C interrupted

5. The attorney addressed Judge Lopez as “ the title used to

s how respect for a judge”.

A Your Honor

B Under oath

C Off the record

6. The attorney was annoyed when the witness stopped her

f rom talking by asking a question.

A approached the bench

B addressed

C interrupted

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 2747 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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