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Decide in which sentence the underlined parts are used correctly

1 A The plaintiff delivered a verdict at the end of the trial.

B The judge listened to the attorneys’ arguments.

2 A Twelve paralegals determined the outcome of the case.

B The jury decided that the man was not guilty.

3 A The defendant hired an attorney to prove that he was


B In court, the plaintiff always makes the final decision.

4 A Mr. Meaner’s attorney represented him during the trial.

B What verdict is the defendant accused of?

Listen to a conversation between two attorneys. Choose the

Correct answers.

1. What is the conversation mostly about?

A the creation of a complaint

B an attorney’s advice to a defendant

C a plaintiff’s reaction to a verdict

D the progress of a civil case

2. Why is the man worried?

A The complaint is not true.

B The jury already decided.

C The defendant is guilty.

D The plaintiff has no proof.

Listen again and complete the conversation.

Attorney 1: Hi, Robert! How is that 1 _______ case going?

Attorney 2: Hey, Janet.It’s not going all that well, actually.

Attorney 1: Oh? What’s wrong?

Attorney 2: The defendant’s 2 _______is pretty good. He’s making our 3 _______ seem weak.

Attorney 1: Well, it’s not, is it?

Attorney 2: No, the 4 ______ owes my client thousands of dollars. But that’s based on a verbal agreement.

Attorney 1: I see. So the 5 ________ has nothing in writing?

Attorney 2: Exactly. I’m worried that the 6 _______will decide

against us.

Unit 2

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 3368 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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