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TASK 16. Place the adverbs given in brackets in two different positions. For each sentence write a situation which explains the use of the adverb. Follow the example

Example. He expressed his thanks. (naturally)

a) They were very kind to him. Naturally, he expressed his thanks.

b) He expressed his thanks naturally. They were impressed by his command of English.


1. The teacher thought the student was not intelligent. (obviously) – Obviously, the teacher thought the student was not intelligent. That is why he stopped asking him difficult questions./ The teacher thought the student was obviously not intelligent and wasn’t worth asking at all.

2. There were a few passengers on the bus on weekdays. (only) - There were only a few passengers on the bus on weekdays so I could get a seat. / There were a few passengers on the bus only on weekdays so I couldn’t get a seat..

3. The speaker had not argued his case at all. (clearly) – Clearly, the speaker had not argued his case at all. The speaker had not clearly argued his case at all.

4. I remember his being able to play football. (well) - I well remember his being able to play football, though he wasn’t very good at it. / I remember his being able to play football well, he even was a captain of our team once.

5. I don't want to put myself under an obligation to him by asking a favour. (particularly) - I don't particularly want to put myself under an obligation to him by asking a favour, maybe I will think of another way out. / I don't want to put myself under an obligation to him particularly by asking a favour. I prefer to turn to someone else.

6. Frank has decided to spend a few days in Austria on his way to Switzerland. (also) - Frank has also decided to spend a few days in Austria on his way to Switzerland though it will make his holiday longer. / Frank has decided to also spend a few days in Austria on his way to Switzerland and it will be the foreign third country he will visit.

7. Do you think you’ll have enough money at the end of the month to take a short holiday? (still) - Do you still think you’ll have enough money at the end of the month to take a short holiday? So you haven’t changed your mind, have you? / Do you think you’ll still have enough money at the end of the month to take a short holiday? You will not be extravagant, will you?

8. I should ask him what he meant by his statement. (personally) – Personally I should ask him what he meant by his statement. I don’t believe him. / I should ask him personally what he meant by his statement. I don’t want anyone to hear this.

9. Have you made up your mind about what you want to do when you leave university? (really) - Have you really made up your mind about what you want to do when you leave university? You are being serious this time./ Have you made up your mind about what you really want to do when you leave university? So it’s not some foolish idea this time.

10. He had the grace to admit that he was partly in the wrong. (at least) – At last he had the grace to admit that he was partly in the wrong. Before that he denied everything. / He had the grace to admit that he was at last partly in the wrong.

11. He will explain quite clearly what he intends to do. (in future) - In future he will explain quite clearly what he intends to do. That was a good lesson for him./ He will explain quite clearly what he intends to do in future. And we will know all his plans.

12. The student overheard the teacher saying that his last piece of homework was better. (distinctly) - The student distinctly (ясно) overheard the teacher saying that his last piece of homework was better. / The student overheard the teacher distinctly (недвусмысленно) saying that his last piece of homework was better.

TASK 17. There are many adjectives formed from parts of the body. Complete each sentence with the appropriate word from the box. Note that the word ‘bloody’ is a frequently used and not very rude swear word.

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