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TASK 10. Change the adjectives into adverbs or adverbial phrases. Follow the rule and the example

Rule. In Modern English some adjectives like friendly, lovely, lonely, likely, ugly, deadly, lively, cowardly, silly, etc cannot be used as adverbs. Instead adverbial phrases are used.

Example. Meg is friendly girl. – She always acts in a friendly way.

That was a quick response. She responded quickly.

1. That was a cowardly thing to do You acted in a cowardly way.

2. The music was very loud. The band played far too loud/ loudly.

3. That was a silly thing to do You acted in a silly way.

4. The orchestra gave a lively performance. They performed in a lively way.

5. She's a slow runner. She runs slowly

6. The singers gave a bad performance. They performed badly.

7. She can't control her motherly feelings. Even though he's 40, she looks after him in a motherly way.

8. She's a lovely teacher. She handles young children in a lovely way.

9. She delivered a careful speech. She spoke carefully.

10. He looks pale and sickly. He always greets me in a sickly way.

11. You don't have to be so unfriendly! You needn't look at me in such an unfriendly way.

TASK 11. Revision: adjectives and adverbs. Fill in the gaps with adjectives and adverbs from the box. Add -ly or make other changes where you need to.

beautiful best (2) careful cheap early far last

full hurried important last new past silly

quick rapid soon

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 1658 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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