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Reading for General Understanding. 5.6.1 Check the comprehension of the texts "Trial" and "The Jury" by listening to each question and choosing the answer

5.6.1 Check the comprehension of the texts "Trial" and "The Jury" by listening to each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.

1. In the United Kingdom criminal trials take the form of a contest between the prosecution and the defence.

a) it is not always like that as there are cases when the judge by himself tries the case;

b) in a number of cases the Government interferes with a criminal case;

c) yes, it is true; the prosecution is not granted any advantage, appar­ent or real, over the defence.

2. A defendant has the right to employ a legal adviser and may be granted legal aid from public funds.

a) no, it is not quite so. A defendant has only the right to employ a le­gal adviser;

b) every defendant is granted legal aid only from public funds;

c) yes, it is true.

3. The defence should be informed by the prosecution of witnesses.

a) the prosecution never informs the defence of supposed witnesses;

b) yes, it is true. The prosecution should inform the defence of wit­nesses;

c) the prosecution informs the defence only under the pressure of mass media.

4. Criminal trials are normally held in open court.

a) criminal trials are not normally held in open court;

b) yes, it is true as evidence may help the accused, the defence having the right to the last speech at the trial;

c) criminal trials are normally in both open court and closed court.

5. The defendant cannot be questioned without consenting.

a) the jury can question the defendant without his consent;

b) without consenting the defendant cannot be sworn as a witness of his or her own defence; generally the prosecution may not intro­duce such evidence;

c) the defendant can be questioned without consenting under the pub­lic opinion.

6. Injury trials the judge discharges the accused or passes sentence.

a) injury trials the judge decides only questions of law;

b) yes, it is true; besides the judge instructs the jury on the relevant law;

c) injury trials the jury pass (passes) sentence.

7. Injury trials only the jury decides whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

a) yes, it is true, then the judge passes sentence;

b) the jury really decides this question, but the judge participates in this work;

c) the jury does not decide this question.

8. In England and Wales, the normal jury is of 12 people.

a) no, there may be 6 people in the jury;

b) in some cases, their number comes up to 18 people;

c) according to law in the normal jury there are 12 people.

9. In Scotland, where the jury consists of 15 people, the verdict may be reached by a simple majority.

a) it is so, but the number of the jury is 19 people;

b) yes, it is true, in addition, the verdict may be reached without cor­roborated evidence.

c)yes, it is true, but as a general rule, no person may be convicted without corroborated evidence.

10. In the event of a 'guilty' verdict, the defendant has a right of appeal to the appropriate court.

a) the defendant has no right of appeal;

b) yes, it is true; the defendant has this right;

c) the defendant can appeal to the Superior court.

11. A jury is completely independent of the judiciary.

a) a jury to some extent depends on local authorities; •

b) a jury is affected by the Governmental officers;

c) yes, it is true and any attempt to interfere with a jury is punishable under the Contempt of Court Act 1981.

12. Not everybody is liable for jury service.

a) but yes, every person may be liable for jury service;

b) there are certain limits for those who have within the previous ten years served any part of a sentence of imprisonment;

c) yes, it is true, there are very high requirements to those who are lia­ble for jury service, there are special rulings: ineligible persons in­clude the judiciary, priests and many others.

5.6.2 Pick out from the texts "Trial" and "The Jury" all the word combinations with the following words (terms) and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

- trial - jury

- defence - guilty

- accuse; accused - verdict

- witness - to convict

- defendant - custody

- evidence - innocence

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