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5.4.3 (a) Find the related nouns in the texts "Trial" and "The Jury".

5.4.3 (a) Find the related nouns in the texts "Trial" and "The Jury".

to try - to witness - to acquit -

to contest- to prove - to attempt -

to prosecute - to convict - to challenge -

to defend - to appeal - to reason -

to aid - to cross-examine - to suffer -

to advise - to conduct - to imprison -

to prepare - to hear - to limit –

Improve your vocabulary.

Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets.

1. Sсоtlаnd's six sheriffdoms are further divided into sheriff (окружні суди), each of which has one or more sheriffs, who are the judges of the court.

2. The High Court of Justiciary, Sсоtlаnd's supreme criminal court, is both a trial and an (апеляційний суд).

3. Any of the following judges is entitled to (розглядати справи) in the High Court: the Lord Justice General (the (голова) of the court), the Lord Justice Clerk (the judge next in seniority) or one of the Lord Commissioners of Justiciary.

4. The main seat of the court is in Edinburgh, although the (Верховний суд) also tries cases in other towns.

Criminal Courts (Part II)


5.5.1 Read and listen to the texts "Trial", "The Jury".


Criminal trials in the United Kingdom take the form of a contest be- I tween the prosecution and the defence. Since the law presumes the inno- I cence of an accused person until guilt has been proved, the prosecution is I not granted any advantage, apparent or real, over the defence. A defend­ant (in Scotland, called an accused) has the right to employ a legal advis­er and may be granted legal aid from public funds. If remanded in custo­dy, the person may be visited by a legal adviser to ensure a properly I prepared defence. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland during the preparation of the case, the prosecution usually tells the defence of relevant documents which it is not proposed to put in evidence and discloses I them if asked to do so. The prosecution should also inform the defence of I witnesses whose evidence may help the accused and whom the prosecu­tion does not propose to call. The defence or prosecution may suggest that the defendant's mental state renders him or her unfit to be tried. If the jury (or in Scotland, the judge) decides that this is so, the defendant is admitted to a specified hospital.

Criminal trials are normally in open court and rules of evidence (con­cerned with the proof of facts) are rigorously applied. If evidence is im­properly admitted, a conviction can be quashed on appeal. During the trials the defendant has the right to hear or cross-examine witnesses for the prosecution, normally through a lawyer; to call his or her own wit­nesses who, if they will not attend voluntarily, may be legally compelled to attend; and to address the court in person or through a lawyer, the de­fence having the right to the last speech at the trial. The defendant can­not be questioned without consenting to be sworn as a witness in his or her own defence. When he or she does testify, cross-examination about character or other conduct may be made only in exceptional circum­stances; generally the prosecution may not introduce such evidence.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the Criminal Justice Act 1987 provides that in complex fraud cases there should be a preparatory open Crown Court hearing at which the judge will be able to hear and settle points of law and to define the issues to be put to the jury.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 455 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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