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To witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel

We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.

You should witness to the truth of a statement.

to witness the signing of a contract, to witness a signature, treaty, will, to witness to the truth of a statement.

6. jury n — присяжні

Seven men and five women sat on (i.e. were members of) the jury. The jury returned a verdict of (i.e. reached a decision that the accused was) not guilty. The jury is/are still out, i.e. members of the jury are still thinking about their decision.

7. testify v (to sth; against/in favour of sb.) — 1) давати показання, свідчити на користь, проти, клятвено затверджувати; 2) урочисто заявляти (про свої переконання, про віру); свідчити (про чем-л.); бути свідком

Two witnesses testified against her and one in her favour. He testified under oath that he had not been at the scene of the crime.

8. sentence ['sentansj n — вирок

to pass a sentence upon sb. — виносити вирок кому-л.

under sentence of death — під вироком смерті

a sentence of 10 years' imprisonment — вирок, рівним десятьом рокам ув’язнення

She has served her sentence and will now be released.

sentence v — засуджувати, присуджувати

He has been sentenced to pay a fine of £1000.

9. dissentient n -1) голос проти; 2) інакомислячий

The motion was passed with only two dissentients.

dissenting vote (adj) — голос проти

without a dissenting vote — одноголосно

10. prove [pru:v] v — 1) доводити, засвідчувати, підтверджувати;

2) затверджувати (заповіт)

I shall prove to you that the witness is not speaking the truth. The will has to be proved before we can inherit,

proven adj — доведений

not proven (шотл. юр.) — злочин не доведений

11. judiciary adj = judicial1) judiciary law — судове право; 2) n = judicature

judges collectively — відправлення правосуддя

challenge n —. юр. відвід присяжних; виклик

challenge v — давати відвід присяжним; заперечувати, брати під сумнів

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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