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Look through the table to see the form of Participle I in the Active and the Passive Voice in the Indefinite and Perfect Tenses and the way it is translated

Tense Voice Voice
  Active Passive
Indefinite Statutory procedures, including an independent element, govern the way in which complaints from the public against the police are handled. Процедури, установлені статутом, що включають елемент незалежності, передбачають те, яким чином повинні прийматися скарги від населення проти поліції. 1. In Scotland complaints, being registered against a police officer, are investigated by independent public prosecutors. У Шотландії скарги, які є зареєстрованими проти поліцейських, розглядаються незалежним народним прокурором. 2. Being seriously injured, he could not do without the police. Будучи серйозно пораненим, він не міг обійтися без поліції.
Perfect Having made a permanent contact with ethnic minorities, the police were able to prevent crime. -Установивши постійний контакт з етнічними меншинствами, поліція змогла попереджати злочини. A permanent contact having been madewith ethnic minorities, the police were able to prevent crime. Після того як був установлений постійний контакт з етнічними меншинствами, поліція змогла попереджати злочини.

2.1.2 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the form of Participle I and the Voice of it.

1. The police must investigate any case, involving death or serious injury.

2. The police investigated the case, having involved serious injury.

3. Having made particular efforts, the police obtained good relations with school.

4. The efforts of the police, having been coordinated to produce good relations with the community, resulted in preventing crime.

5. The Metropolitan Police provide certain national police services, in­cluding the maintenance of a national record of all criminals and crimes to which local police forces may refer.

6. Moving mostly in cars rather than on foot, the police are less obviously in contact with the public.

2.2 First Reading of the Text "Status and Duties" (Skimming Reading) (Text 2.5)

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