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Role Play. 1.9.6 Enact in English with roles on the theme "General Characteristics of the UK Law System"

1.9.6 Enact in English with roles on the theme "General Characteristics of the UK Law System", using Fig. 1.

Situation: the discussion of the UK law system by lawyers is now on.

Play participants: Mr Bergns (Scotland)

Mr Holden (Ireland)

Mr Bamber (Ireland)

Mr Monahem (England)

Give well-reasoned remarks on the opponent's points of view.

Mr Monahem shares the opinion of most English lawyers who insist on further using the practice of law precedents and gives the following reasons:.

According to Mr Holden, the English law reform needs to be speeded up alongside with codification.

Mr Bamber is of the opinion of the public. He thinks acting Boards on revising Civil and Criminal Law(s) as well as other enforced bodies dot not work very effectively.

All the opinions having been put forward, Mr Bergns wants to empha­size the role of delegated legislature.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 369 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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