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The Gerund. Герундий

§18. Герундий жіктеусіз есімдік грамматикалық ерекшеліктерін етістік, зат есімнің және олар іс арқылы процесті көрсетеді.Герундий етістін пен зат есімнің ерекшеліктерін байланыстыратын етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Герундий кез – келген ағылшын етістігінің инфинитив формасына – іng жалғауын жалғау арқылы жасалады.

Мысалы: increasing-көбею, obtaining-ұлғаю, heating-қыздыру.

Герундий нысанының кестесі.

  Active Passive
Indefinite Perfect Writing Having written Being written Having been written

Герундианың синтаксистік функциялары сөйлемдерде

Функция Мысалы Аударма
1. бастауыш 1. Smoking is not allowed here. Темекі тартуға мында рұқсат жоқ.
2. Атаулы курделі бастауыш құрамында 2. His hobby is driving a car. Оның сүйген кәсібі машина жүргізу.
3. толықтауыш А) тура Б) жанама A) The car needs repairing В) They spoke about their traveling to the north. Машинаны жөндеуді қажет етеді. Олар солтүстікке жол сапар туралы айтты.
4. анықтауыш There are different ways of obtaining this substance. Бұл затты алудың әртүрлі жолы бар.
5. пысықтауыш After receiving good results they stopped experiments. Жақсы қортынды алып олар эксперементті тоқтаты.


1) Бастауыш, атаулы курделі баяндауыш құрамы тура толықтауыш ретінде герундия зат есім немесе тұйық етістік арқылы аударылады.

2) Жанама толықтауыш функциясында герундий зат есіммен немесе бағыныңқы сөйлеммен аударылады.

3) Пысықтауыш функциясында герундий зат есіммен, көсемше немесе бағыныңқы сөйлеммен аударылады.

4) Құрмалас герундий нысандары жиі бағыныңқы сөйлеммен аударылады.

Мысалы: І know of his having been appointed a new jоb.

Оның жаңа жұмысқа тағайындалғаны мен білемін.

@ Exercise 1.

Translate into Kazakh paying attention to the Gerund:

1.Have you finished writing? 2. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very useful. 3. I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 4.She likes sitting in the sun. 5.It looks like raining. 6.My watch wants repairing. 7.Thank you for comimg.8.I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 9.I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole evening. 10.Let’ s go boating. 11.He talked without stopping. 12.Some people can walk all day without feeling tired. 13.Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air. 14.Iron is found digging in the earth. 15.There are two ways of getting sugar: one from beet and the other from sugar- cane. 16.Jane Eyre was fond of reading. 17.Miss Trotwood was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his opinion.

@ Exercise 2.

Change the following objective clauses with the gerund with the preposition “ of

E.g. She thought she would go to the country for the week- end.

She thought of going to the country for the week- end.

1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall go out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3.What do you think you will do tomorrow? 4.I don’ t know now; I thought I would go to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan’t go. 5.I hear there some English books at our institute book- stall now. – So you are thinking that you will buy some, aren’t you? 6.I thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have come, I won’t go to the library.

@ Exercise 3.

Change the following objective clauses with the gerund with the preposition “after”

E.g. When she had bought everything she needed, she went home.

After bying everything she needed, she went home.

1.After I had hesitated some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I finally decided that I might find one I liked better in another shop. 2. When she had graduated from the university, she left St. Petersburg and went to teach in her home town. 3. When he had proved that his theory was correct, he started studying ways and means of improving the conditions of work in very deep coalmines.4. After she took the child to the kindergarten, she went to the library to study for her examination. 5. When he had made a thorough study of the subject, he found that it was a great deal more important than he had thought at first.

@ Exercise 4.

Translate into Kazakh paying attention to the different forms of Gerund:

1.Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting enough, but of corse it is more exciting playing football. 2.She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her. 3.Can you remember having seen the man before? 4.She was terrifield of having to speak to anybody, abd even more, of being spoken to 5.He was on the point of leaving the club, as the porter stopped him.6.After being corrected by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them. 7.I wondered at my mother’s having allowed the journey.8.I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once. 9.Everybody will discuss the event, there is no preventing it. 10.At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining-room. 11.On being told the news she turned pale. 12.The place is worth visiting.

@ Exercise 5.

Translate into Kazakh paying attention to Gerund:

1.I avoided speking to them about that matter. 2.She burst out crying. 3.They burst out laughing. 4.She denied having been at home that evening. 5.He enjoyed talking of the pleasure of travelling. 6.Excuse my leaving you at such a moment. 7.Please forgive my interfering 8.He gave up smoking a few years ago. 9.They went on talking. 10.He keeps insisting on my going to the south.11.Oh please do stop lauhing at him.12.Do you mind my asking you a difficult question? 13.Would you mind coming againg in a day or two? 14.I don’t mind wearing this dress. 15.She could not help smiling.16.I cannot put off doing this translation. 17 Though David was tired, he went on walking in the direction of Dover.

@ Exercise 6.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-04; Прочитано: 1606 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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