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Read and translate the following sentences. Define the type of the sentences

1.Life is full of surprise. 2. Don’t answer back! Do as I tell you! 3. Can I have a Mars bar, Dad? 4. She blew him a kiss and went away. 5. I’ve just had an absolutely brilliant idea. 6. Is there anything interesting on TV tonight?

7. Karate is an art form which comes from the mysterious East. 8. Don’t you recognize me, darling? 9. My friends never let me down. 10. She is not pleased with her new dress. 11. – John is late for class again. – What a shame! 12. You have never flown by Concorde, have you? 13. It’s healthy to get up early with the sun. 14. I had such a delicious big supper last night. 15. Shall we go for a walk? 16. I don’t like spicy food. 17. The inspector didn’t trust the young man.

@ Exercise 14.

Define what parts of speech are the subjects in the following sentences.

1.Alison lives next door to us. 2. He and I are business partners. 3. Something is wrong with the computer again! It must be a virus. 4. It’s bitter cold today. 5. The Wilsons are redecorating their house. 6. To help you is my pleasure. 7. Walking is a good way to avoid stress. 8. The unemployment demand more job vacancies. 9. Seven is considered to be a lucky number. 10. Being is love is wonderful! 11. The homeless dream of a warm house. 12. Yours was the best project. 13. Your ifs and buts always irritate me! 14. There is an orange in the vase. 15. There is no news today. 16. There are a lot of new words in this text.

@ Exercise 15.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-04; Прочитано: 974 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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