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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. We are also sending you (форму на открытие счета) together with the information about London which you requested

1. We are also sending you (форму на открытие счета) together with the information about London which you requested.

2. You should finally select people in your company whose (образцы подписей) will be required on (всех чеках) and state them on the Account Opening Form.

3. The money (будут переведены на) your current account and available from September 30 subject to your returning both forms by that time.

4. (Я однозначно выражаю согласие) and accept to be bound by the Bank’s separate General Conditions for the Operation of Current Accounts and any modification or variation made thereto.

5. We should of course be very happy (предоставить банковские услуги).

6. You are also to submit to us (рекомендательное письмо) from any company who banks with one of our branches.

7. The company in question is well known in the local business community and appears (является широко известной фирмой).

8. But we have paid your cheques on this occasion, although the bank (не предоставляет кредиты на условиях овердрафт) without prior permission.

9. We are pleased to confirm that we (открыли счет) in your name (в нашем банке).

10. As you know, your overdraft limit is $5,000 and you (значительно превысили эту сумму).

11. The documents concerned are your (устав), Chamber of Commerce Registration, Municipality Trade Licence.

12. May I remind you that (весь опыт) of the National Bank of London will be at your disposal, not only at head office, but also, if necessary, at all your branches.

13. The car belongs to London Electronics but they asked me to insure it when the current policy (истечет в будущем месяце).

14. I hereby request and (уполномачиваю) you to open and/or continue a current account (на мое имя) and in accordance with the following particulars.

15. Our company has been doing business with Smith & Co., Ltd. to our mutual benefit on monthly account terms and they (всегда своевременно оплачивали счета).

16. We note that you wish for the time being to receive your (выписки) monthly at your business address after we have credited (Вашу зарплату).

17. Meanwhile I also enclose a copy of our Joint Stock Company Account Opening Form for you to (заполнить).

18. They have been established for seven years and so far have conducted an extensive business (в нашей сфере деятельности).

19. We note that you wish to pay all your staff (заработную плату) through us and we look forward to receiving lists of the people concerned.

20. I want (дать поручение регулярно переводить) $900 each month as a rental payment to the account of my landlord at the Royal Bank of Scotland at the end of each month.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-14; Прочитано: 236 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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