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Using the given chart , answer the following questions

1. Which planets have a longer day than year?

2. Which planet has the most moons?

3. Which is the hottest planet?

4. Which planet has the shortest day and the longest year?

5. Which planet has the closest length of a day to the Earth?

6. Which is the smallest planet?

7. If an Astronomical Unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, how many astronomical units away is Pluto?

Table 1

Name Moons Average Temp.C Rotation Orbit Av. distance from Sun (million miles) Diameter (miles)
Mercury   -167to427 58.6 days 87.97 days 36.04  
Venus     243.2 days 224.70 days 67.11  
Earth   -51 to 48 23.9 hrs 365.26 days 92.99  
Mars   -123to-30 24.6 hrs 686.98 days 141.61  
Jupiter   -117 9.8 hrs 11.86 years 483.66  
Saturn   -180 10.7 hrs 29.46 years 886.72  
Uranus   -221 17.2 hrs 84.01 years 1783.38  
Neptune   -216 16.0 hrs 164.79 years 2794.38  
Pluto   -230 6.3 days 247.69 years 3666.19  

Answer the following questions

What is the cosmos? What is the Universe?

What galaxy do we live in?

What does the Solar System consist of?

Give all the data relating to the sun.

How are the planets arranged in the Solar System?

Distinguish between the asteroids and the comets.

How could the Solar System have originated according to the “catastrophic” theory?

How could the Solar System have originated according to the nebular theory?

6.12 Write down a summarizing sentence for each paragraph of the text “The Universe and the Solar System”. On the basis of the above task prepare an oral summary of the text

Lesson 7 The Earth

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 328 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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