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Figure 3

The mantle composed of materials much denser than those making up the crust extends to a depth of 1800 miles, its density increasing with depth. It is believed to consist of dunite or some closely allied ultrabasic silicate rock.

The core of the earth seems to consist of two parts having different properties. The outer core, more than 1,000 miles thick below the mantle behaves like a liquid. The inner core, 18 times as dense as water, behaves like a solid, although its temperature may be as high as that at the surface of the sun.

How old is the earth? The discovery of radioactivity around 1900 gave the scientists a new means of estimating the age of the earth. All naturally radioactive elements are known to change finally into lead. One gram of uranium will yield 1/7 000 000 000 of a gram of lead a year. Thus by measuring the amount of lead present in rocks containing uranium we can estimate how much radioactive change occurred and what length of time needed for this change. The oldest rock so far discovered has been dated at about 3.7 billion years old. We know the earth was formed earlier than that and astronomers believe it to have been approximately 4.5 billion years ego.

a mile – 5,2800 feet – 1,609 kilometres

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 264 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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