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Police force in the USA

Historians suggest that the first modern police in the United States did not come into existence until 1833 in the city of New York.

The first municipal police agencies consisted of night watchmen whose responsibility was to protect property during the evening and early morning hours. Crime continued to increase, however, and gradually there were demands to hire men to provide similar protection during the daylight hours as well. Thus, by the 1830s and 1840s these two types of police were combined to form a unified, more effective municipal police agency. The modern police departments came into existence, especially in the years following World War I. Since 1920 municipal police agencies have increasingly grown in personnel and re­sponsibilities. Special training and more selective recruitment practices have been developed to go hand in hand with the use of such techno­logical developments as the automobile, the individual police radio, and the computer. The great part of police work does not involve crime-fighting situations but rather consists of both service and peacekeeping activities.

Service functions include directing traffic and enforcing traffic regulations, answering accident calls, aiding the sick, helping find a lost child or rescue a lost pet, recovering stolen property, and reporting fires. These are all services performed to assist the public. Peacekeeping functions of the police are designed to maintain public order.


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1. The judge was known to be the best in the city. 2. I have you to say such things. 3. He is likely to know the robbers’ plan. 4 He is likely to know the robbers’ plan. 5. Tom seems to have been discouraged by his failour. 6. It is too late for me to refuse. 7. That is for you to decide to be or not to be a judge.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 833 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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