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1. Her getting married to a well-known mafia Christian father made her life awful. 2. If we are to examine what we have by way of a constitution we must start by considering what, exactly, a constitution is. 3. Shop stewards were reported to have held meetings at several major work places with a view to organizing the strike. 4. Being accused of the crime of murder he denied it. 5. Having passed the sentence the judge left the court-room. 6. Having called the police the robbed man began waiting. 7. Occasionally during the trial the lawyers will ask permission to approach the bench and speak to the judge or the judge may call them to the bench. 8. It may be necessary to refer to more than one code in order to ascertain the state of the law. 9. Magistrate courts have been established to handle the large number of cases which arise in urban communities. 10. It is obvious for instance, that in order to draw up a will, or to enforce claims arising out of an agreement one has to know the law.

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные предложения, содержащие условные придаточные предложения.

1. From reading the transcript, Adam judged that there was no real evidence against Jennifer Parker. Unless she confessed or unless someone came forward with information that proved criminal complicity, Di Silva would not be able to touch the girl. 2. It isn't that Mason told him but if you've followed my cases, you'll note that most of them have been cleared up in the courtroom. 3. If anybody's going to be hung for murder on my say-so (c моего разрешения), I want it to be after a case is built up which can't be torn down. 4. During the first year of school while Jennifer's classmates were flailing about in an impenetrable swamp of contracts, torts, property, civil procedure and criminal law, Jennifer felt as though she had come home. 5. If there is a will I’m the executrix of it, if there isn't, I'm entitled to letters of administration (право на управление имуществом по постановлению суда)

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 750 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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