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Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Although Britain is a unitary state, it does not have a single system of law. England and Wales, and Northern Ireland, have similar systems but the Scottish system is somewhat different. In general, however, the law has no complete code. Its sources include parliamentary legislation, European Community law and much “common” law from courts’ decisionsand elsewhere. Criminal law is concerned with wrongs against the community as a whole, civil law with the rights and duties of individuals among themselves.

Keeping the peace and bringing offenders to trial are primarily the concern of the police whose action depends on common consent since the number of officers is small in relation to the population (roughly one to every 400 people). The police are not normally armed and their powers are carefully limited. Strict procedures govern the way complaints against the police arehandled. Special efforts are being made to improve relations between the police and the community, especially in inner city areas.

The police service consists of independent local forces, usually linked with local government, and each responsible for its own area.

Most prosecutions are initiated by the police, but in Scotland the police make the preliminary investigations and a public prosecutor decides whether or not to prosecute. As soon as anyone is arrested he or she must be charged and brought to court with the minimum of delay. Unless the case is serious, the arrested person is usually granted bail if he or she cannot quickly be brought to court.

Compensation may be paid to victims of violent crime and people hurt while trying to prevent offences.

Judges are independent and non-political and, except for lay magistrates who tryless serious criminal cases, are appointed from practicing barristers, advocates or solicitors.

Criminal trials take place in open court although there are some restrictions, such as those to protect children. The more serious cases take place before a jury of ordinary, independent citizens who decide on guilt or innocence. People accused of crimes are presumed innocent until proved guilty, and every possible step is taken to deny the prosecution any advantage over the defence.

Cases involving children are heard in special juvenile courts, or, in Scotland, at informal children's hearings.

Other than in cases of murder, for which the sentence is life imprisonment, courts can choose the penalty most appropriate for a particular offender.

The legal profession has two branches: solicitors and barristers (advocates in Scotland). Solicitors undertake legal business for lay clients, while barristers advise on problems submitted through solicitors and present cases in the higher courts.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 775 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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