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Exercise 7.3 Read the statements. Are they true or false? Correct the false ones

1. All the USA’s states follow invariable set of procedures in criminal trial.

2. A bench trial is a trial with judge sitting with petit jury.

3. Jury members are professional lawyers.

4. The trial begins with the opening statement by the defence.

5. A cross-examination is carried out when there is a need to test the truth of what each witness says.

6. The defendant leaves the courtroom when the jury announces the verdict.

7. The jury determines the sentence.

8. If the defendant is found innocent by the jury he is acquitted.

Exercise 7.4 Find the odd word out:

1. Defendant – convict – accused – prosecutor;

2. Defendant – defense counsel – prosecutor – judge – law;

3. Evidence – witness – experts – not guilty;

4. Indictment – verdict – sentence – arrest.

Exercise 7.5 Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending:

1. The function of a trial court is a) the judge is to determine the sentence.
2. After the opening statements by the prosecutor b) to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused person.
3. Cross examination includes c) summarize the case to the jury
4. In closing arguments the two opposing lawyers d) questioning the defendant/witnesses by the opposing party.
5. After the verdict is announced e) he presents evidence against the defendant

Exercise 7.6 Insert one of the following words into the text about presumption of innocence in an appropriate way:

innocent, to acquit, guilt, the prosecution, a reasonable doubt, standards

In criminal cases, the defendant is presumed 1) ____ until 2) ____ proves each element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, the law requires the jury 3) ____ the defendant unless it is convinced of the defendant’s guilt beyond 4) _____. The jury in a criminal case may not convict on a finding that the defendant’s 5) ____ is more likely than not. On the other hand, the law does not require absolute certainty. The standard for determining guilt is somewhere in between these two 6) ____ of proof.

Exercise 7.7 Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct place in the passage below:

accused court judge legislature panel trial acquit cross-examination jurors list sentence witnesses civil suits fault jury money swear counsel guilty legal disputes officer testimony

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 866 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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