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Exercise 5.4 Make up sentences from the words

1. from society / or incarceration / crime prevention / Isolating criminals / is the most direct method of / through confinement.

2. penalize wrongdoers / seeks to / and transform their behavior,/ rather than / correct criminals / merely / Contemporary criminal punishment.

3. harsh physical punishment, / some societies / punishments have also / Although / evolved along with civilization / and become less cruel / still use ancient forms of.

4. contemporary punishments / In most industrialized societies, / are / or / either fines / or both / terms of incarceration.

5. refers to / requiring offenders / to financially compensate / for the damage / the offenders caused / The term restitution / the practice of / crime victims.

6. or / are incarcerated / The most serious / repeat offenders.

7. certain undesirable individuals, / such as / Some societies / with banishment or exile / criminals and political / and religious dissidents, / punish.

8. capital punishment / Opponents of / barbaric and degrading / see it as / to the dignity of the individual.

Exercise 5.5 Give the English equivalents from the text for the following word combinations:

1. Накладати покарання –

2. Порушувати закон –

3. Скоїти злочин –

4. Тілесне покарання –

5. Запобігти злочину –

6. Правомірна поведінка –

7. Неправомірні дії –

8. Грошова компенсація –

9. Суворе фізичне покарання –

10. Громадські роботи –

11. Штрафування злочинців –

12. Для того щоб сплатити штраф –

13. Компенсувати шкоду жертвам злочину –

14. Отримання відшкодування –

15. Відповідати певним умовам –

16. Страта злочинця –

17. Смертна кара –

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 1167 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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