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Text 7 criminal trial

Exercise 7.1 Study the vocabulary:

1) felony charges 1) обвинувачення у скоєнні тяжкого злочину
2) to select by lot or chance 2) обирати жеребом або випадково
3) circumstantial evidence 3) непрямий доказ
4) closing arguments 4) заключні дебати сторін
5) applicable points of law 5) застосовані питання права
6) favorable evidence 6) докази на користь
7) petit jury 7) мале журі, суд присяжних
8) trial 8) судовий розгляд, слухання справи
9) plead not guilty 9) не визнавати себе винним
10) bench trial 10) суд без участі присяжних
11) opening statement 11) вступна промова
12) physical evidence 12) речові докази
13) testimonial evidence 13) свідчення свідка
14) witness 14) свідок
15) defense counsel 15) захисник
16) cross-examination 16) перехресний допит
17) redirect examination 17) допит свідка стороною, що його виставила, після перехресного допиту
18) case-in-chief 18) версія, висунута стороною під час допиту викликаних нею свідків
19)recess 19) перерва в засіданні
20)mistrial 20) судовий процес, у ході якого допущені порушення закону
21) acquit 21) виправдовувати (за судом); виносити виправдувальний вирок; звільняти (від відповідальності)
22) termination of the trial 22) завершення судового розгляду

Exercise 7.2 Read and translate the text:

The USA’s common law heritage makes it possible for all the state to follow in criminal trials a uniform set of procedures. They have developed over centuries.

It is the function of the trial court to find and express the judgment, under law as to the guilt or innocence of an accused person. Defendants who plead not guilty to felony charges can opt for either a jury or a bench trial. In most cases, a defendant chooses to stand trial before a judge sitting alone. It is called a bench trial.

If he chooses a jury trial the first step is the jury selection (which is called the petit jury). Jury members are ordinary selected by lot or chance, from a master list of persons in the community where the trial will take place.

After a jury has been seated, the trial begins with an opening statement by a prosecutor, which is an attempt to tell the jury what crime the defendant is charged with. The defense may then make its own opening statement.

Next the prosecutor presents his or her evidence against the defendant – physical evidence such as fingerprints; testimonial evidence of witnesses or experts; eyewitness evidence; and any circumstantial evidence. This is done by calling witnesses and questioning them (direct examination).

After each witness for the prosecution has testified, defense counsel may carry out a cross-examination in order to test the truth of what each witness says. The prosecution then is allowed to question the witnesses again on redirect examination in order to give the witnesses an opportunity to clarify any issues raised in the cross examination.

At the next stage (defense case-in-chief) the defendant through his attorney introduces witness or other evidence that favor the defendant’s claim of being not guilty. The defense may begin with opening statements. Then all the defense witnesses are examined and cross-examined. There may be some further witnesses called by both sides.

At this point a recess is taken in the proceeding to allow the judge to prepare instructions to the jury, and the attorneys of both prosecution and defense prepare their closing arguments. In their closing arguments, the two opposing lawyers present a summary of their case to the jury, emphasizing the evidence that is most favorable to their side.

After the closing statements the judge instructs the jury in the applicable points of the law, in the nature and meaning of evidence they have seen or heard. Then the jury retires to a private room to deliberate the guilt or innocence of the accused. If the agreement is reached, they return to the courtroom where their decision will be announced.

The defendant is asked to stand to hear the verdict of the jury. The judge is then to determine the sentence. If the jury cannot reach a verdict the judge declares a mistrial. If this happens, the defendant may be tried for the same offense again before a different jury. If the defendant is found not guilty by the jury he is acquitted. If the verdict is guilty the defense council brings out those facts which should be considered by the court before the sentence is announced by the judge.

In a case tried before a judge sitting alone, the decision of the judge constitutes a termination of the trial.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 902 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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