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Task 8. Match the application with nanotechnology development. Where is nanotechnology used?

Application Nanotechnology development
Environment a) Finding a lower-cost source of household energy for the nation’s future. Converting sunlight into electric current. (the present cost of electricity produced by solar cells is four times greater than electricity produced by nuclear or fossil fuels).
Solar Energy b) Planes, trains, and automobiles – lighter, faster, and more fuel-efficient and constructed of lighter, stronger materials.
Fuel Cells c) Handling medical procedures by nanomachines that rebuild arteries, rebuild bones, and reinforce bones. New ideas to diagnose, treat, and prevent cancer in the future (nanoshells to target cancer cells).
Food and Agriculture d) Performance fuel cells for use in automobiles, portable consumer electronics (laptop computers, cell phones, and digital cameras). A fuel cell (an energy conversion device and alternative to batteries that converts energy from a chemical reaction into electricity and heat). Environmentally friendly.
Automobiles Aeronautics e) Creating new means of detecting air pollutants, and cleaning polluted waste streams and groundwater.
Medical Applications f) Llab-on-a-chip technology (a portable handheld device containing a simple computer chip that can diagnose and monitor the medical conditions of a patient).
Lab-on-a-Chip g) Providing safer, cheaper, and more sustainable food products. Using less water and chemicals in the preparation and production of food products.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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