Task 5. Study the information about career sectors in physics in the table below. What is/are the most interesting for you. Why?
Public Sector
Career Sector In Physics
Electronic, Biomedical, Mechanical, Computer, Civil, Chemical, Environmental, Instrumentation
Law, Administration, Business, Journalism, Museums, Sports, Accounting, Marketing, Art, Science Communication
Industry, Government, Military
Environmental Science
Noise Control, Pollution Control, Conservation, Radiation Protection, Environmental Monitoring
Technical books, Journals, Software
Telecommunications, Television, Image Analysis, Video Recording, Photography, Laser Technology
Radiation Oncology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiation Protection, Nuclear Medicine, Diagnostic Instrumentation
Computer Science
Graphics/Software Design, Peripherals, Modelling, Artificial Intelligence, Data Processing, Programming, Computer Games
Construction, Food, Chemical, Aerospace, Engineering Agriculture, Consumer Products, Energy, Fuel, Metallurgical, Semiconductors, Textile&Clothing, Transportation, Computers, Electrical, Laser Technology, Materials
Colleges, Universities, Technical Schools, High Schools, Elementary and Middle Schools
Basic Research
Universities, Technical Schools, National Laboratories, Industrial and Private Laboratories
Space and Earth Sciences
Astronomy, Space Technology, Geophysics, Geology, Atmospheric Sciences, Energy and Resources, Ocean Sciences
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