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Task 4. Choose the correct answer

1. What is a nanostructure?

a) an object with nanometer scale features

b) an object with bumps

c) an object with nanometer scale

2. Why is a butterfly an example of nanostructure in nature?

a) because of particular nanostructures on the surface of the wings

b) because of the wavelength of visible light

c) because of optical interferences

3. Why can the moth see much better than humans in dark conditions?

a) the nanostructures on the surface of moth’s eyes absorb light efficiently

b) the nanostructures on the surface of moth’s eyes absorb dark efficiently

c) the nanostructures on the surface of moth’s eyes don’t absorb light

4. What causes the white colour of the edelweiss?

a) nanoscale structures of filaments absorb ultraviolet light but reflect visible light

b) nanoscale structures of filaments absorb only ultraviolet light

c) nanoscale structures of filaments reflect all light

5. Why is the edelweiss protected from possible UV radiation?

a) because the layer of filaments absorbs UV light

b) because the layer of filaments of white colour

c) because the layer of filaments reflects UV light

Task 5. Fill in the map below and write the summary of the text«Nanostructures in Nature».

Main idea ______________
Major detail 1 ______________
Major detail 2 ________________
Major detail 3 ______________

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 679 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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