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Manger or Director?

Both manager and director can be used to talk about a person who is in charge of a particular activity or department in a company: a sales / marketing / finance / personnel / technical manager / director. However, in a large company, a director is often in charge of several managers.

b) Answer the questions.

1. Which words are frequently used for “manager” these days?

2. Does their usage depend on the type of an organization?

3. Which words are commonly used in journalism to refer to the people in charge of organizations or public services?

4. The word “chief” is used especially for the people in charge of government or public services, isn’t it?

5. Which word is frequently used for the people in charge of particular companies and sports clubs?

6. What is the difference between “manager” and “director”?

Task 5. a) Word formation.

b) Which of the derived words means:

1. “Менеджеризм” (концепція, згідно якої контроль над великими корпораціями, а разом з ним і влада в економічному житті суспільства, поступово переходить від акціонерів до рук керуючих цими корпораціями менеджерів);

2. директорський; керівний; такий, що відноситься до управління, адміністративний; організаторський;

3. жінка-менеджер; завідувачка;

4. завідувач; директор, керівник; менеджер; імпресаріо;

5. збереження управління (операція, під час якої одна сторона продає певні активи іншій стороні, продовжуючи виконувати функцію керування цими активами за певну винагороду; наприклад, власник і керівник якогось підприємства продає право власності на це підприємство, але залишається його керівником);

6. керованість; контрольованість; здійсненність, здійснимість; піддатливість, податливість;

7. керуючий; такий, що вміє організувати керування (чимось); такий, що володіє виконавчими повноваженнями; діловий, вольовий, енергійний;

8. менеджерист (прихильник доктрини “менеджеризму”);

9. посада менеджера, керівника, директора (як сукупність прав, привілеїв, обов’язків); управління, керівництво (як сукупність прийомів взаємодії з людьми й процесами в процесі розв’язання управлінських завдань);

10. такий, що піддається керуванню; легко керований; слухняний, лагідний, поступливий; здійсненний, здійснимий

11. управління; керівництво; завідування; менеджмент;

12. управляти, керувати; завідувати; справитися, впоратися; ухитрятися, примудрятися?

Task 6. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the words in italics.

1. He manages the family business. 2. How many people do you manage? 3. Good managers know how to use the skills of the people who work under them. 4. She’s the manager of the accounts department. 5. The heart of effective management is communication. 6. The company is now under new management. 7. The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level. 8. IT technologies could improve the manageability of your company’s digital assets. 9. The company strategy is based on MAP (Manageability, Availability, Performance). 10. Sale and manageback was the only way to retain control of the company. 11. Manageress is an old-fashioned word for a woman who is responsible for running a shop or office. 12. She is a manageress of a bookshop. 13. After years of clerical work John was promoted into some kind of managerial job. 14. Do you have any managerial experience? 15. He showed himself a convinced managerialist. 16. He is a staunch supporter of managerism. 17. The project managership is far from being perfect. 18. His twenty-year managership hardly changed his character. 19. He joined the board as managing director in 2008. 20. Our managing staff proved to be highly efficient.

Task 7. Study the following words.

  Top management · directors · executives · senior managers Middle management · junior / middle managers · line managers · team leaders · supervisors   NOTE: The word direct report is used to describe a person that you are directly responsible for, at any level of an organization: Line managers should set targets with their direct reports. The phrase immediate boss / supervisor can be used to describe the person that you are responsible to.  

Task 8. a) Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B:

1. boss 2. director 3. foreman 4. manager 5. governor 6. employer 7. supervisor 8. line manager 9. superintendent   a)a person who is in charge of running a business, store or similar organization; a person who is in charge of a particular activity or department in a company; b) (BrE) a person in the company who is one rank above you and has direct responsibility for managing your work; c)one of a group of senior managers who run a company; a person who is in charge of a particular activity or department in a company, a college, etc.; d)a person or company that pays people to work for them; e) (rather informal, especially spoken or journalism) a person who is in charge of other people at work and tells them what to do; often used by employees in a fairly informal way to talk about the person who is in charge of them at work; can also be used in a humorous way to talk about a person who is, or seems to be, in control in a particular situation or relationship; f)a person who is in charge of somebody / something and makes sure that everything is done correctly and safely; g) (especially BrE) a member of a group of people who are responsible for controlling an institution such as a school, college or hospital; h)a person who has a lot of authority and manages and controls an activity, a place or a group of workers; is often used to refer to people in charge of hospitals, railways and schools; i)a worker who is in charge of a group of other factory or building workers; can be either a man or a woman.

b) Which of the above words means:

1. Безпосередній начальник;

2. директор, управитель; керівник;

3. доглядач; наглядач; контролер; інспектор школи; супервізор;

4. завідувач; директор, керівник; менеджер;

5. керівник; управитель; завідувач, директор;

6. майстер; старший робітник, десятник; виконавець робіт;

7. наймач, роботодавець;

8. правитель; губернатор; комендант; директор (банку); хазяїн;

9. хазяїн; господар; бос; підприємець?

c) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.

1. My boss won’t like it.

2. Who’s boss around here?

3. I’ll have to ask the governor.

4. He is a foreman on a building site.

5. I’d like to speak to my line manager.

6. Taylor is now a director of the company.

7. The foreman swore at one of the workers.

8. Daniel’s employers offered him a pay rise.

9. She became director of finance at the company.

10. The factory is the largest single employer in the area.

11. He had to accept everything his governor said to him.

12. For three years he was the manager of a radio station.

13. The school’s Board of Governors meet tomorrow night.

14. The assistant manager has been promoted to run the store.

15. I have regular one-to-one meetings with my line manager.

16. He became superintendent of the bank’s East African branches.

17. A supervisor is the lowest, or most-junior, management position.

18. My supervisor said he would strongly recommend me for the course.

19. The Governor of the Bank of England is the most senior position in the Bank of England.

20. The general sense of superintendent “a person who has charge of some business” is first recorded in 1588.

Task 9. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the box. Translate the passage into Ukrainian.

performance experience authority fire
management productive work roles team

A supervisor is responsible for the day-to-day (1) _____ of a small group. It may be a (2) _____, or a shift. The supervisor has (3) _____ in what the group does, but is not necessarily better at it than everyone he/she supervises. The supervisor’s job is to guide the group toward its goals, see that all members of the team are (4) _____, and resolve problems as they arise.

A supervisor generally does not have the power to hire or (5) _____ employees or to promote them. A supervisor usually recommends such action to the next level of (6) _____. The supervisor does, however, often have the (7) _____ to change the (8) _____ of the members of the team, for instance deciding which individual will work at which station.

Task 10. Practice reading the following words.

1. acceptance[ək`sept ə nts] 2. to accomplish[ə`kAmplı∫] / [ə`kα:mplı∫] 3. appropriate adj [ə`prəupriət] / [ə`proupriət] 4. capacity[kə`pæsəti] 5. component[kəm`pəunənt] 6. decision [dı`sıჳən] 7. directly[daıə`rektli] / [də`rektli] 8. to encourage[ın`kArıG] 9. exhibiting[ıg`zıbıtıŋ] 10. explorer[ık`splO:rə] / [ık`splO:rər] 11. feedback [`fi:dbæk] 12. figure[`fıgə] / [`fıgjər] 13. frequent[`fri:kwənt] 14. to gain[geın] 15. garage[`gærα:ჳ] / [gə`rα:ჳ] 16. generating[`Genəreıtıŋ] 17. health[helθ] 18. highlight[`haılaıt] 19. hiring[`ha ı ərıŋ] 20. implementation[ֽımplımen`teı∫ən] 21. managerial[ֽmænə`Gıəriəl] 22. millennia[mı`leniə] 23. necessary[`nesəseri] 24. to occur[ə`kə:] 25. optimum[`Optıməm] / [`α:ptıməm] 26. origin[`OrıGın] / [`O:rıGın] 27. phrase[freız] 28. prior[`pra ı ə] / [`praıər] 29. purely[`pjuəli] / [`pjurli] 30. quality [`kwOləti] / [`kwα:ləti] 31. rather[`rα:ðə] / [`ræðər] 32. recent[`ri:sənt] 33. recruitment [rı`kru:tmənt] 34. reference[`refər ə nts] 35. religious[rı`lıGəs] 36. to require[rı`kwa ı ə] / [rı`kwaıər] 37. shogun[`∫əugAn] / [`∫ougAn] 38. staffing [`stα:fıŋ] 39. to suggest[sə`Gest] / [səg`Gest] 40. to supervise[`su:pəvaız] / [`su:pərvaız] 41. though[ðəu] / [ðou]

Task 11. Read the text.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 287 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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