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Organizational Structure

In an organization of any size or complexity, employees’ responsibilities typically are defined by what they do, and who they report to. Over time these definitions are assigned to positions in the organization rather than to specific individuals.

In business organization structure (OS) means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. Organization struc­ture is very important because it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

An effective organizational structure shall facilitate working relationships between various entities in the organization and may improve the working efficiency within the organizational units.

There are multiple structural variations that organizations can take on, but there are a few basic principles that apply and a small number of common patterns.

The best organizational structure for any organization depends on many factors including the work it does; its size in terms of employees, revenue, and the geographic dispersion of its facilities; and the range of its businesses (the degree to which it is diversified across markets).

In a typical case, a company is run by the Board of Directors; each Director is in charge of a department. However, the Chairman of the Board is in overall control and may not be the head of any one department. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. The Managing Director (sometimes called the Chief Executive, or President in the USA) is the head of the company, who has real responsibility for the running of the business.

Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development (R&D), and Personnel Departments. These are the most common departments, but some companies have others as well.

Most departments have a manager, who is in charge of its day-to­-day running, and who reports to the Director; the Director is responsible for strategic planning and for making decisions. Various personnel in each department report to the manager.

People at the head of an organization are often called senior executives or senior managers, top executives or top managers.

Organizational structures developed from the ancient times of hunters and collectors in tribal organizations through highly royal and clerical power structures to industrial structures and today’s post-industrial structures.

In general, over the last decade, it has become increasingly clear that through the forces of globalization, competition and more demanding customers, the structure of many companies has become flatter, less hierarchical, more fluid and even virtual.

One of the newest organizational structures developed in the 20th century is team. In small businesses, the team structure can define the entire organization. Teams can be both horizontal and vertical.

Another modern structure is network. In essence, managers in network structures spend most of their time coordinating and controlling external relations, usually by electronic means.

A special form of boundaryless organization is virtual. It works in a network of external alliances, using the Internet. This means while the core of the organization can be small but still the company can operate globally and be a market leader in its niche.

Vocabulary Notes:

1. to report (to) [rı`pO:t] / [rı`pO:rt] – підпорядковуватися (комусь);

2. to assign (to) [ə`saın] – доручати, передавати; закріпляти (за кимсь); зазначати; давати (завдання);

3. organization structure (OS) [ֽO:g ə naı`zeı∫ən `strAkt∫ə] – структура організації; організаційна будова (система відділів і підрозділів, з яких складається організація, а також адміністративно-фінансові відношення між ними);

4. position [pə`zı∫ən] – посада; місце;

5. to hold a position – займати (обіймати) посаду;

6. system of communication – система передачі інформації; система зв’язку; система комунікацій;

7. to facilitate [fə`sıləteıt] – полегшувати; допомагати; просувати; сприяти;

8. entity [`entəti] – самостійна одиниця, самостійне утворення; самостійна правова одиниця; особа; підприємство; організація; органзізація-суб’єкт права;

9. working efficiency [ֽwə:kıŋ ı`fı∫əntsi] – продуктивність праці; працездатність; ефективність роботи; ефективність експлуатації;

10. organizational unit [ֽO:g ə naı`zeı∫ən ə l `ju:nıt] – організаційна одиниця, підрозділ організації (відділ у структурі організації);

11. multiple [`mAltıpəl] – багаточисельний; численний; різноманітний;

12. to take on – набувати;

13. to apply (about principles) [ə`plaı] – використовувати, застосовувати;

14. common patterns [`kOmən `pætənz] – загальноприйняті (поширені) зразки (моделі);

15. in terms of – з точки зору; на мові;

16. geographic dispersion [ֽGi: ə`græfık dı`spə:∫ən] – географічна розкиданість;

17. facilities [fə`sılətiz] – потужності; виробничі потужності; можливості; кошти; будівлі; виробничі об’єкти; виробничі будівлі; умови діяльності; об’єкти;

18. the range of businesses – розмах підприємств;

19. diversified [daı`və:sıfaıd] / [də`və:sıfaıd] – диверсифікований; багатосторонній; різноманітний;

20. the Board of Directors [ֽbO:d əv daıə`rektəz] – рада директорів; правління; адміністрація;

21. to be in charge of [t∫α:G] / [t∫α:rG] – відповідальний (за);

22. the Chairman of the Board – голова правління (ради директорів) (член ради директорів компанії, який керує засіданням ради директорів; ця посада є найвищою в компанії; інколи поєднує свій пост із постом головного виконавчого директора, але найчастіше – найвища почесна посада; має незначні повноваження і виконує представницькі функції);

23. to be in overall control [ֽəuvə r `O:l kən`trəul] – здійснювати централізоване управління;

24. the Managing Director [`mænıGıŋ daıə`rektə] – генеральний директор; виконавчий директор, директор-розпорядник;

57. the Chief Executive [ֽt∫i:f ıg`zekjutıv] – глава виконавчої влади; глава фірми; ам. президент;

25. Finance Department [`faınænts dı`pα:tmənt] – фінансовий відділ;

26. Sales Department [ֽseıəlz dı`pα:tmənt] – відділ збуту; комерційний відділ;

27. Marketing Department [`mα:kıtıŋ dı`pα:tmənt] – відділ маркетингу; маркетинговий відділ (підрозділ компанії, який займається маркетинговою діяльністю в інтересах компанії);

28. Production Department [prə`dAk∫ən dı`pα:tmənt] – виробничий відділ; виробничий підрозділ;

29. Research and Development (R&D) Department [rı`sə:t∫ ənd dı`veləpmənt dı`pα:tmənt] – відділ досліджень і розробок (відділ компанії, який займається розробкою нової продукції або нових технологій);

30. Personnel Department [ֽpə:sə`nel dı`pα:tmənt] – відділ кадрів, управління кадрами (підрозділ);

31. day-to­-day running – повсякденне керівництво; щоденне управління;

32. senior executive [`si:niə ıg`zekjutıv] – керівник вищого рангу;

33. hunter [`hAntə] / [`hAn t ər] – мисливець;

34. collector [kə`lektə] / [kə`lektər] – збирач;

35. tribal [`traıbəl]– родовий; племінниій;

36. royal power structure [`rOı ə l `pa u ə `strAkt∫ə] – структура королівської влади, владна структура королів;

37. clerical [`klerıkəl] – церковний; клерикальний;

38. industrial structure [ın`dAstriəl `strAkt∫ə] – індустріальна структура; промислова структура; галузева структура виробництва;

39. post-industrial structure [ֽpəustın`dAstriəl `strAkt∫ə] – постіндустріальна структура;

40. demanding [ dı`mα:ndıg ] (customers) – вимогливі (клієнти);

41. flatter (structure) – більш плоска (організаційна структура) (організаційна структура, яка характеризується меншою кількістю рівнів управління, ніж в ієрархії звичайної організації; зазвичай передбачає меншу кількість проміжних управряючих, тобто всі підпорядковані підрозділи або групи мають одного головного керівника);

42. hierarchical structure [(ֽ)haıə`rα:kıkəl `strAkt∫ə]– ієрархічна структура;

43. fluid [`flu: ıd] – рухливий; мінливий; нестабільний;

44. team – колектив; бригада; команда, група;

45. network – мережа;

46. boundaryless [`baund ə riləs] – без меж; такий, що не знає обмежень кордонів;

47. alliance [ə`la ı ənts] – альянс, союз, об’єднання (структура, організація);

48. the core [kO:] / [kO:r] (of the organization) – основа; серцевина; середина; ядро.

Task 5. Correct the following false statements.

1. In an organization employees’ responsibilities typically are defined by what they want to do.

2. In business OS means overall strategy.

3. Organization structure means the relationship between memebers of the Board.

4. There is a limited number of structural variations that organizations can take on.

5. Organization struc­ture is very important because it places restrictions on the activities of the organizational units.

6. The best organizational structure for any company does not depend on its core activity.

7. In a typical case, the Chairman of the Board is also the head of the personnel department.

8. The managing director of a company is not in charge of its day-to-­day running and performs solely representative functions.

9. Organizational structure developed at the time of the Industrial Revolution.

10. Over the last decade, the structure of many companies has become more hierarchical.

11. One of the newest organizational structures developed in the 21st century is team.

12. Teams can be only horizontal.

13. Network is one of the most ancient organizational structures.

14. Managers in network structures spend most of their time monitoring internal relations through direct supervision.

15. If the core of the organization is small it can never operate globally.

Task 6. The words below are frequently confused. Study each pair of words. Pronounce them and translate into your native tongue. Explain the difference between the words in each pair.

1.size – sieze; 4.common – come on; 7.chief – chef;
2.facilitate – facility; 5.dispersion – depression; 8.personnel – personal;
3.improve – prove; 6.policy – police; 9.decade – decide.

Task 7. Find pairs of antonyms among the following words.

1. to impede; 2. ancient; 3. boundaryless; 4. common; 5. efficient; 6. to worsen; to deteriorate; 7. entire; 8. external; 9. flat structure; 10. general; 11. horizontal; 12. bounded; limited; 13. internal; 14. junior; 15. partial; broken; 16. senior; 17. specific; 18. tall structure; 19. the newest; modern; 20. to facilitate; 21. to improve; 22. unusual; rare; individual; 23. vertical; 24. weak; invalid.

Task 8. a) In the text “Organizational Structure” (Task 4) find the contexts in which the following words are used.

organization ×10 organizational ×4

b) Which noun can be used in all the word-combinations below? Fill in the gaps with one word. Translate the word-combinations.

1. flatter _____ 2. virtual _____ 3. modern _____ 4. network _____ 5. the team _____ 6. industrial _____ 7. more fluid _____ 8. highly royal _____ 9. organizational _____ 10. clerical power _____ 11. post-industrial _____ 12. less hierarchical _____ 13. business organization _____ 14. the best organizational _____ 15. effective organizational _____ 16. the newest organizational _____

Task 9. Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.

1. team 2. network 3. position 4. facilities 5. market leader 6. the Board of Directors 7. organization structure (OS) a)the company selling the largest quantity of a particular type of product; a product that outsells its competitors; b)a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization; c)a description of the types of coordination used to organize the actions of individuals and departments in a company that contribute to achieving a common aim; d)a group of people linked in a common purpose e.g. to conduct tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks; e)an installation, contrivance, or other thing which facilitates something; a place for doing something e.g. a commercial or institutional building; f)a job in a company or organization; a person’s place or level of importance in relation to others; high rank or social standing; g)an arrangement (horizontal and vertical) of interconnected positions within an organization;

b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the words in italics.

1. A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. 2. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses. 3. We take a team -based approach to work. 4. The success of this project has been a team effort. 5. Network is a modern organizational structure. 6. He remained in that position until his retirement in 2010. 7. He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council. 8. Hyundai said this week it is scaling back its U.S. operations by eliminating 50 positions. 9. They built a new facility to produce the medicine.

10. The company needs an oil storage facility. 11. The airport provides good facilities for business travelers. 12. A market leader often dominates its competitorsin customer loyalty, distribution coverage, image, perceived value, price, profit and promotional spending. 13. We are becoming one of the market leaders in the fashion industry. 14. Theoretically, the control of a company is divided between two bodies: the board of directors, and the shareholders in general meeting. In practice, the amount of power exercised by the board varies with the type of company. 15. The Board of Directors has approved the decision unanimously. 16. The flat organizational structure is common in enterprenerial start-ups, university spin offs or small companies in general.

Task 10. a) Use the prepositions in the box to fill in the blanks in the phrases below.

at by from in ×8 across through
on for of ×6 to ×4 within between

1. … a typical case;

2. to work … a network;

3. to be … overall control;

4. to report … the Director;

5. a system … communication;

6. the relationship … positions;

7. … an organization … any size;

8. to be … charge … a department;

9. to be a market leader … its niche;

10. to be run … the Board … Directors;

11. to be responsible … policy decisions;

12. people …the head … an organization;

13. to take … multiple structural variations;

14. the organization’s size … terms … employees;

15. to be assigned … positions … the organization;

16. to improve the efficiency … the organizational units;

17. the degree … which an organization is diversified … markets;

18. … the ancient times … clerical power structures … industrial structures.

b) Translate the following prepositional phrases and word-combinations.

1. in general; 4. in charge of; 7. in each department;
2. in terms of; 5. in a typical case; 8. in an organization;
3. in its niche; 6. in overall control; 9. in business organization structure.

Task 11. a) Fill in the blanks with noun or adjective forms. Use your dictionary if necessary.

1.----------- complex
2.industry -----------
3.----------- responsible
4.effect -----------
5.----------- essential
6.tribe -----------
7.----------- efficient
8.basis -----------
9.----------- structure
10.clergy -----------
11.----------- strategic
12.horizon -----------
13.----------- organizational
14.royalty -----------
15.----------- diversified

b) Which of the above nouns / adjectives are used in the text “Organizational Structure” (Task 4)?

Task 12. a) Read and translate the passage.

Gossip is rampant and contagious in some workplaces. Such gossip-ridden workplaces can be characterized as settings in which employees do not receive sufficient information about what is happening in the company. (This is one of the employees’ five most important needs from work.)

Gossip is also a characteristic of companies that fail to make their decision making transparent to employees. When decision rationale is not clear, then employees spend time guessing – usually with the most negative, nefarious rationales in mind – about why something changed.

When economic times are tough, and people are waiting for bad news, you must take on the hard topics to encourage your employees to trust you. If employees trust you, they are more likely to come to you with questions and comments. This is what you want to encourage at work.

It is also advisable to nip gossip in the bud, just like employee negativity. Left to fester, both grow and are contagious; they infect even the most positive-spirited employees and weigh down the workplace.

Many experts believe that negatively and persistently affecting employee morale is an offense that deserves disciplinary action, if coaching isn’t working to change behavior. Here’s how to manage gossip.

Some companies implement “a no gossip and no back stabbing policy” that is strictly enforced. Every new employee signs an “agreement to values” form and breaching your agreement can get you fired. The policy proved to be effective for creating a productive environment for employees.

Vocabulary Notes:

1. rampant [`ræmpənt] – дуже поширений (про хвороби, пороки);

2. contagious [kən`teıGəs] – заразний; заразливий (сміх тощо);

3. gossip-ridden [`gOsıp `rıdən] – одержимий (захоплений) плітками (базіканням);

4. workplace [`wə:kpleıs] – місце роботи (підприємство, організація, фірма, філія, відділення і т.п., де працює та чи інша людина); робоче місце (обмежений простір у виробничому чи робочому приміщенні, кабінет, офісний відсік і т.д., призначений для виконання певної роботи співробітником);

5. settings [`setıŋz] – оточення; оточуюче середовище;

6. rationale [ֽræ∫ə`nα:l] / [ֽræ∫ə`næl] – основна причина; розумне пояснення; логічне міркування;

7. nefarious [nı`feəriəs] / [nı`feriəs] – злочинницький; нечестивий; нечестивий; нечесний; підлий;

8. to take on – братися (до); приймати виклик; мірятися силами;

9. to nip [ nıp ] – викорінювати; позбуватися (почуття); покласти край;

10. bud [bAd]– брунька; бутон;

11. to nip in the bud – припиняти, класти край;

12. negativity [ֽnegə`tıvəti] – заперечність; негативність;

13. fester [`festə] / [`festər] – гноїтися, гнити, загнивати; мучити, ятрити, гризти; (поступово) отруювати організм (про хворобу, яд);

14. to weigh down [weı] – обтяжувати; гнітити, обтяжувати;

15. persistently [pə`sıst ə ntli] / [pər`sıst ə ntli] – перманентно; постійно; стійко;

16. morale [mə`rα:l] / [mə`ræl] – моральний стан; бойовий дух;

17. offense [ə`fents] – злочин, правопорушення, проступок; посягання; образа; напад, наступ;

18. disciplinary action [`dısəplın ə ri `æk∫ən] – дисциплінарний захід; стягнення;

19. coaching [`kəut∫ıŋ] / [`kout∫ıŋ] – кураторство, інструктування, наставництво (метод навчання без відриву від виробництва, де керівник на виробництві сам консультує підлеглого і допомагає йому засвоїти необхідні навички);

20. back stabbing [ bæk ` stæbıŋ ] – удар (ножем) у спину; зрада;

21. strictly enforced [`strık t li ın`fO:st] – такий, що жорстко нав’язують;

22. to breach [ bri:t∫ ] – порушувати (закон, угоду і т.ін.).

b) Think and answer.

1. Why is gossip rampant in some workplaces? Is it natural of people to spread / trust gossip?

2. Is rampant gossiping always a result of the lack of sufficient information? What else can provoke gossiping among team members?

3. Receiving sufficient information is one of the employees’ five most important needs from work. What do you think are the other four needs?

4. Why is gossip a characteristic of companies that fail to make their decision making transparent to employees?

5. Why is it important for a leader to take on hard topics when economic times are tough, and people are waiting for bad news?

6. Is it always necessary to nip gossip in the bud?

7. What are some possible consequences of non-interference policy in such a case?

8. Do you believe that negatively and persistently affecting employee morale is an offense that deserves disciplinary action?

9. When does coaching fail to change employees behavior? What are some possible reasons for that?

10. Can a strictly enforced policy, such as “a no gossip and no back stabbing policy” be effective for creating a productive environment for employees? Give you reasons.

Task 13. a) Match the terms in column A with their Ukrainian equivalents in column B.

1.to report to 2.subordination 3.accountable to 4.superior officer 5.immediate supervisor 6.manager-subordinate relationships a)підпорядкування; субординація; b)стосунки між керівниками та підлеглими; c)відповідальний; підзвітний; d)безпосередній керівник; e)бути у підпорядкуванні; f)вища посадова особа;

b) Think and answer.

1. Do different organizational structures suggest different manager-subordinate relationships? Explain your answer?

2. Do you think it is possible for an employee to report to more than one chief within an organizational structure?

3. Is an employee of an organization accountable to the chief of his / her immediate supervisor in work situations?

4. Does subordination always mean you cannot go over your immediate supervisor’s head in work relations with the superior officers?

Task 14. a) Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks in the text below.

staff assigned allocation departments
senior company pyramidal subor­dinates
report positions interaction headquarters
mixture hierarchy Functional multidivisional

Many organizations have a hierarchical or (1) _____ struc­ture, with one person or a group of people at the top, and an in­creasing number of people below at each successive level.

There is a clear line or chain of command running down the pyramid. All the people in the organization know who is their supervisor or boss (to whom they (2) _____), and who are their immediate (3) _____ (to whom they can give instructions).

Yet the activities of most companies are too complicated to be organized in a single (4) _____.

Shortly before the First World War, the French industrialist Henry Fayol organized his coal-mining business according to the functions to be carried out. (5) _____ organization has become the most common form for manufacturing companies as it enables optimal control and accountability. The company is divided up into (6) _____, called functions, including production, finance, marketing, sales, and personnel or staff department.

A (7) _____ manager (usually a director) is responsible for both the internal oversight of the function and ensuring its adequate coordination with the other functions in a business.

Functional organization is efficient, but there are two standard criticisms. Firstly, people are usually more con­cerned with the success of their department than the whole (8) _____. Secondly, separating functions is unlikely to encourage innovation.

Divisional structure or, as it is sometimes called, the (9) _____ company is associated with market expan­sion and product diversification. Under such an organization structure each division is self-contained and operates as a profit centre. Divisions can be grouped around products or markets or a combination of the two. The activities of various divisions are directed by central (10) _____ (HQ), which take a global view of corporate strategy. Other central activities might include R&D and purchasing, to benefit from economies of scale.

The dual existence of divisional profit centres and central units is a source of tension for many firms operating this structure, especially in the (11) _____ of costs by the central unit into the individual divisions.

The matrix structure is the most complex of the organizational forms. It is used in organizations where there is a great deal of (12) _____ between departments or where staff report to more than one manager.

In some large business organizations, work will be carried out along two avenues. Firstly, (13) _____ will work in their respective departments such as marketing, production or personnel. Secondly, staff from these departments will be (14) _____ to projects or task forces, which will draw staff from across the divisions. This means that a member of the marketing staff may have to report to the Marketing Director and the Project Manager at the same time.

The matrix structure does work well when staff understand their (15) _____ in the matrix. There are risks associated with such a situation when staff are confused about whom they should re­port first.

In reality a firm may display a (16) _____ of structures. For ex­ample, many divisionalized companies have functional specialisms within each division. In a functional organization we may find different departments organized along different lines.

b) Answer the questions.

1. Which organizational structure has one person or a group of people at the top, and an in­creasing number of people below at each successive level?

2. Under which organizational structure is there a clear line or chain of command running down the pyramid?

3. Why cannot the activities of most companies be organized in a singlehierarchy?

4. What is the origin of the functional organizational structure?

5. Why has functional structure become the most common form for manufacturing companies?

6. What is a senior manager responsible for under functional organization?

7. What are the drawbacks of the functional organizational structure?

8. What organizational structure is typically associated with market expan­sion and product diversification?

9. How does each division operate in a multidivisional company?

10. What are the functions of central headquarters (HQ) under divisional structure?

11. What is a usual source of tension for many firms operating divisional structure?

12. The matrix structure is the most complex of the organizational forms, isn’t it?

13. What is the essence of the matrix organizational structure?

14. Where is the matrix structure used?

15. What are the risks of implementing the matrix organizational structure?

16. Can a company display different organizational structures? Explain your answer.

c) Translate into English.

1. Багато організацій мають ієрархічну або пірамідальну структуру, коли на чолі перебуває одна особа чи невелика група осіб. 2. За ієрархічної організаційної структури існує чіткий ланцюг інстанцій (підпорядкування). 3. У компаніях з пірамідальною організаційною структурою співробітники знають, хто є їхнім безпосереднім начальником, а також хто є підлеглим. 4. Діяльність більшості компаній занадто складна, щоб їхня організаційна структура залишалася ієрархічною. 5. Функціональна організаційна структура була вперше запроваджена на вугільних підприємствах Франції на початку 20 століття. 6. Лінійно-функціональна схема є найбільш придатною для промислових підприємств, оскільки забезпечує оптимальний контроль та підзвітність. 7. Старший менеджер несе відповідальність як за внутрішній нагляд (контроль) в межах функціонального підрозділу, так і адекватну координацію роботи з іншими відділами. 8. Лінійно-функціональну організаційну структуру зазвичай критикують за те, що працівники більше переймаються успіхом їхнього відділу, а не компанії в цілому. 9. Розмежування функціональних підрозділів не сприяє запровадженню інновацій. 10. Дивізійна організація зазвичай асоціюється із розширенням ринку та диверсифікацією продукції. 11. За функціональної структури кожний підрозділ є самодостатнім і діє як центр отримання прибутку. 12. Підрозділи компанії можуть об’єднуватися навколо продуктів або ринків, або їхнього поєднання. 13. Головне управління компанії спрямовує діяльність різних підрозділів. 14. Паралельне існування центрів прибутків у підрозділах та центральних органів керування є джерелом напруження у багатьох фірмах. 15. Матрична структура – одна з найскладніших організаційних форм. 16. За матричної структури між підрозділами налагоджено інтенсивну взаємодію, а в одного працівника може бути більше одного начальника. 17. Матрична структура не спрацьовує тоді, коли персонал не розуміє свого місця у матриці. 18. У матричній структурі працівники можуть бути спантеличені щодо того, якому начальнику підпорядковуватися в першу чергу. 19. У деяких організаціяхспівробітники працюють у відповідних відділах, персонал яких задіяний у спільних для всіх підрозділів проектах. 20. На практиці, компанії можуть реалізувати низку організаційних структур.

Task 15. Look at the following organigram and interprete it in the following terms:

1. to report to …;

2. to run a company;

3. to sit on the Board;

4. to report to the director;

5. to report to the manager;

6. to be the head of a company;

7. to be the head of a department;

8. to be in charge of a department;

9. to have direct authority over …;

10. to be at the top of an organization;

11. to be in overall control of a company;

12. to be an immediate supervisor of …;

13. to run a company on day-to-day basis;

14. to be in a line po­sition between … and …;

15. to be responsible for policy decisions and strategy;

16. to be in charge of the day-to­-day running a department;

17. to have real responsibility for the running of a business;

18. to be responsible for the internal oversight of a company;

19. to be the link between the Board and senior management;

20. to account to senior management for one’s area of work done;

21. to be responsible for strategic planning and for making decisions.

Task 16. Answer the questions.

1. How are employees’ responsibilities typically defined?

2. What does organization structure mean in the business context?

3. Why is organization structure very important? What does it provide?

4. What factors does the best organizational structure depend on?

5. Is a company usually run by the Board of Directors?

6. Can the Chairman of the Board be the head of any department? What about directors who sit on the Board?

7. In the most typical case, who has real responsibility for the running of a business?

8. What are the most common departments in a company?

9. Who does a manager report to?

10. What is the director responsible for?

11. What words are frequently used to denote people at the head of an organization?

12. How did organizational structures develop throughout the history?

13. What changes in the organizational structure happened over the last decade?

14. What is one newest organizational structure that developed in the 20th century?

15. Can teams be both horizontal and vertical?

16. What functions do managers perform in network structures?

17. What form of boundaryless organization works in a network of external alliances, using the Internet?

18. Is it possible for a virtual company to operate globally and become a market leader in its niche?

Task 17. Say what you know about

1. The essence of organizational structure and its impact on working efficiency.

2. “The best” organizational structure as it is perceived by various entities.

3. Persons in overall control of a typical organization and those who work under them.

4. Various organizational structures and their evolution.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of most common organizational structures: hierarchical; functional (divisional); matrix.

Task 18. Translate the following sayings. Choose one to comment on.

1. “Every company’s greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company.” (Michael Leboeuf)

2. “Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb to work at your company.” (Scott Adams)

3. “Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train. Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you’re just sitting still?” (Jean Paul Getty)

4. “Every company has two organizational structures: the formal one is written on the charts; the other is the everyday relationship of the men and women in the organization.” (Harold S. Geneen)

5. “Most people in big companies are administered, not led. They are treated as personnel, not people.” (Robert Townsend)

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