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Lesson 1. Task 1.Study the etymology of the word “MANAGE” and its meanings in modern English. Etymology: MANAGE from Latin manus (hand) →

Task 1. Study the etymology of the word “MANAGE” and its meanings in modern English.

Etymology: MANAGE  
from Latin manus (hand) → Italian (16th century) maneggiare (to control, train (esp horses) )

Which meaning of the word is revealed in the following sentences?

1. I don’t know how you manage. 2. Mike managed to upset mother yet again today. 3. She could only manage a weak smile. 4. I’m sure you could manage another piece of pie. 5. Do you need any help? – No, I can manage. 6. Can you manage with all those bags? 7. We can’t manage without their help. 8. Laura knows how to manage difficult customers. 9. He manages the family business. 10. I don’t think I can manage a long walk today. 11. It’s a well- managed restaurant. 12. Who manages this football team? 13. You need to learn to manage your time more effectively. 14. We only manage £100 a week for rent. 15. Can you manage 5 o’clock next week? 16. I don’t know how he manages on what he earns. 17. My cousin manages a shop. 18. He managed quite well on very little money. 19. The old gentleman managed his resources carefully. 20. He managed to escape from prison.

Task 2. a) Study the Ukrainian equivalents of the verb “to MANAGE”.

1. Управляти, керувати;

2. завідувати, стояти на чолі;

3. вести, організовувати;

4. координувати;

5. справитися, впоратися;

6. зуміти зробити (щось);

7. ухитритися, примудритися;

8. вміти поводитися;

9. вміти користуватися, володіти (інструментом);

10. використовувати акуратно, економно;

11. усмиряти; приборкувати; об’їжджати (коня);

12. надавати допомогу; вести хворого;

13. хазяйнувати;

14. тримати, утримувати (тварин, птахів).

b) Translate into English.

1. Вона не може справитися зі своєю донькою.

2. Як у тебе йшли справи, поки нас не було?

3. Ти можеш організувати завтра вечерю?

4. Сюзанна веде домашнє господарство.

5. Вона знає, як поводитися з дітьми.

6. Мені здається, я справлюсь з цим.

7. Я думаю, що сама не справлюсь.

8. Він зміг усе зробити вчасно.

9. Я зміг зберегти спокій.

10. Тобі вдалося поспати?

Task 3. Study synonyms of the word to manage in column A. Fill in the blanks in column B with the corresponding nouns.

to direct to boss to control to govern to lead to administer to operate → → → → → → → _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Task 4. a) Read and translate the passage.

Nowadays a number of different terms are used for “manager”, including “director”, “administrator”, “executive” and “president”. Among employees terms “boss”, “big boss” or even “big boy” are widely used. The term “manager” is used more frequently in profit-making organizations, while some others (“director”, “administrator” etc.) are used to refer to chiefs of government and non-profit organizations such as universities, hospitals and social work agencies.

The person who runs a specific part of an organization is called a manager. An executive is usually a manager at quite a high level. People at the head of an organization are senior executives, top executives or top managers. Someone who is in charge of making sure a job is well done e.g. on the factory floor, or in retailing, is sometimes called a supervisor.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 293 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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