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Acetic acid - оцтова кислота


аccept -приймати attach -кріпити bitter -гіркий definition -визначення dissociate -дисоціювати extremely -дуже, надмірно litmus -лакмус loosely -вільно turn -повертати widely -широко replaceable -замінний soapy -мильний somewhat -кілька, певним чином sour -кислий taste -смак


Answer the following questions.

1. What are bases and acids?

2. What are the properties of acids and bases?

3. How can acids and bases be produced in the laboratory?

Complete the sentences (use the text).

1. We have (a wealth of) information about.... 2. In water solution acids yield H+ ions which.... 3. All water solutions of acids contain.... 4. An acid can be produced by....

5. Some important acids are.... 6. Most bases are.... 7. Among the more important bases are.... 8. All water solutions of bases have.... 9. Bases may be made by....

Characterize acids and bases using the following plan.

1. Bases are chemical opposites of acids.

2. The properties of water solutions of bases.

3. The production of bases.

4. What do we call acids?

5. What are the properties of water solutions of acids due to?

6. What do all water solutions of acids contain?

7. How can an acid be produced?

8. What are bases?

9. What bases do you know?

10. What acids do you know?

11. How can bases be made?

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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