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Answer the questions. 1. What are metals defined as?

1. What are metals defined as?

2. What do we name as non- metals?

3. What elements are classified as amphoteric?

4. What physical properties do metals and non-metals usually differ in?

5. What element is generally included in both groups?

2. Find Ukrainian equivalents:

1. under certain conditions а. позичати електрони

2. until recently b. хімічна протилежність

3. chemical opposite c. за певних умов

4. to borrow electrons d. до недавніх пір

3. Find English equivalents:

1. поганий провідник a. characteristic luster

2. твердий стан b. non-ductile metals

3. відповідний блиск c. solid state

4. негнучкі метали d. poor conductor

4. Translate the following sentences:

1. The reaction with lead is very slow, as might be expected with the metal. 2. The atomic weight of an element is defined as the mass of one atom of an element compared with the mass of one atom of hydrogen. 3. As to the advantages of this method they leave no doubt. 4. He was surprised as if he had never seen such a device. 5. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. 6. As soon as he saw bubbles on the surface of the liquid he stopped the experiment. 7. Carbon as well as metals conducts electricity. 8. If the experiment is successful, the results will be accurate. 9. Provided the temperature was high, the metal would melt. 10. Unless metals had been good conductors, they wouldn't have been used in many branches of industry. 11. If non-metals hadn't borrowed electrons, they would not have combined with metals and formed salts. 12. Provided the experiment was successful, they would publish the results in a scientific journal.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 568 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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