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XV. The Two Winstons

1910–1965. In the final episode, Schama examines the overwhelming presence of the past in the British twentieth century and the struggle of leaders to find a way to make a different national future. As towering figures of the twentieth century, Churchill and Orwell (through his 1984 character Winston Smith) in their different ways exemplify lives spent brooding and acting on that imperial past, and most movingly for us, writing and shaping its history.

  Britain defeats Dutch settlers in Boer War in South Africa
  The first old age pension
1914 - 1918 First World War Compulsory military service and food rationing introduced
  Republic of Ireland gains independence
  Sir Frank Whittle invents the Jet Engine
1939 - 1945 TheSecondWorldWar
  Festivalof Britain
  Elizabeth II becomesQueen
  Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

Task 1. Who were the following people: Winston Churchill, Winston Smith, George Orwell, Home Secretary, Richard Blair, Eric Blair, St. Catherine of Sienna, Venerable Bede, Oswald Mosley, Stanley Baldwin, Neville Chamberlain, Franco, Stalin, Hitler, Nazis, Lord Halifax, Big Brother?

Task 2. What do you know about the following events and places: Oceania, Shanghai, Gallipoli, Burma, Jarrow, Czechoslovakia, Munich, Prague, Battle for Britain, Dunkirk, New Jerusalem?

Task 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the families and early years of Winston Churchill and Eric Blair? Were they in any way similar?

2. What major political and social events formed the characters and outlook of Churchill and Blair? What were their respective views on the British Empire and further development of Britain?

3. Describe the political career of W.Churchill prior to the World War II.

4. What transformation did Eric Blair undergo on his return to Britain?

5. Describe the political and social life in Britain in 1930s

6. What was the attitude of the leading British politicians to German aggression in Europe in 1930s?nbhytf

7. What political events inspired G.Orwell’s books Animal Farm and 1984?

8. What was Churchill’s contribution to Britain’s victory in the World War II?

9. What political and social changes marked the post-war decade in Britain?

Butchery – массовое кровопролитие

Millstone – мельничный жернов, тяжкий груз

Scrap yard -свалка

Penal servitude– тюремное заключение

Ardent -ревностный

Impetuous – стремительный, бурный

Apprenticeship- ученичество

Fake – подделка, поддельный

Ordeal – мука, испытание

Sardonic - язвительный

Sweatshop -предприятие, в котором рабочие работают в чрезвычайно тяжелых условиях

Second fiddle – вторая скрипка, вспомогательная роль

Perish -погибать

Trenches- окопы

Machine gun- пулемет

Expiation- искупление

Premature- преждевременный

Cowardice- трусость

Hollowness- пустота

Glee -радость

Franciscan – францисканский, в подражание Франциску Ассизскому

Destitution- нищета

Gruesome- отвратительный

Gutter – сточная канава, трущоба

Bedrock- основание

Underworld – криминальный мир

Purgatory- чистилище

Balaclava – вязаный шлем

Conspicuous -очевидный

Gymkhana – конноспортивное мероприятие

Appeasers – умиротворитель, соглашатель

Spineless- бесхребетный

Equilibrium -баланс

Lament – плач, оплакивать

Handthereins – передать управление

Gaunt- сухопарый

Geezer – парень, эксцентричный человек

Goodegg – славный парень

Defiant -дерзкий

Fret- хмуриться

Outrage – оскорбление, злодеяние

Endure- переносить

Fuhrer –фюрер, вождь (нем.)

Closeshave – на волосок от гибели

Indefatigable- неутомимый

Defeatist- пораженческий

Carnivorous- хищный

Landslide – лавинообразный, мощный

IronCurtain – «Железный Занавес»,граница между западноевропейскими странами и странами коммунистического блока во второй половине 20 в.

Doublespeak – демагогия, термин из романа «1984»

Guerrilla -партизанский

Repel – отражать, отбивать

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