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Exercise 3. Transform the following sentences using the Participles

1. He had left home and went to school.

2. When he entered his room he went to the other door.

3. They had said it and stopped speaking.

4. The girl who is speaking with Jim is his sister.

5. The necklace which had been stolen had a sentimental value for him.

6. The dog who got lost in the forest is our neighbour’s.

7. I’m a very good singer and I’m also a talented musician.

8. As the letter had been sent to the wrong address, it couldn’t reach him.

9. He was lying in his bed and he was reading a book.

10. Because we were tired, we went to bed earlier.

11. As the girl was very lazy, she failed her exams.

12. The exercise which is written on the blackboard should be translated into Ukrainian.

Exercise 4. Insert the appropriative modal verb with the particle –to where necessary in the following sentences.

1. What … (be) done to restore discipline at the secondary schools of Russia.

2. How … she be so careless?

3. - I do not know where she is?

- She … (be) in the garden or … (go) to the library.

4. You … (take) this medicine before a meal.

5. I … (refuse) to help her.

6. You … remember about your mother’s birthday.

7. The girl will … (change) her shoes before entering the house.

8. He … (be) an actor.

9. Why … I go there?

10. They … (learn) this poem by heart.

11. The knife … (cut).

12. I … (get) tickets beforehand.

13. I don’t know why they left so early. They … (not leave) so early.

14. She … (ski) very well.

15. Let’s take the map. We … (get lost). I wonder where they are. They … (get lost).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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