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Exercise 2. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following word and word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own

ритм життя, перебільшувати, пересічний американець, спонукання до дії, дух пригод, походити від кого-небудь, стриманість, неввічливо/невиховано, розпитувати, самота/самотність/особисте життя, комунікабельність, будинок у передмісті, закриті/відокремлені сади, надзвичайна гостинність, один цинічний американець, знайти справжню дружбу, бути у захопленні від абсолютних/великих розмірів, звисаючі сади Вавилону, хмарочоси, Британська Енциклопедія, щоденний випуск газети.

Exercise 3. Look at the following statements and decide if they refer to the Americans, the British or the Ukrainians. Put A fortheAmericans, B for the British and U for the Ukrainians.

1. They like a hectic rhythm of life and they are always in a hurry.

2. They prefer to live in the same house and to be in the same job for twenty, thirty, forty years, and hate to pull up their roots and change to something new. They like privacy.

3. They love change, they call it “the spirit of adventure”, a spirit that they think is more characteristic of their nation.

4. They are cold, reserved and not very open.

5. People of this nation are terribly impressed with mere size; to them “bigger” and “better” seem to mean the same thing.

6. They like noisy companies even in their families.

7. People are very open to each other, they speak their minds, so if they don’t like something, they actually tell you directly.

8. Once you’ve made a friend, it’s a friend for life, but it takes a very long time.

9. They like new things – and they get rid of their friends as they do of their cars. No one strikes up acquaintance sooner than we do, and nobody finds it harder to make a real friendship.

10. People are very inquisitive, especially taxi drivers, they may inquire where you have come from, what your job is, how you like the country and how long you are staying here.

11. They are very hospitable and like big companies.

12. People are always pushing in the street, fighting about getting on the bus. They don’t queue up in the shops or at bus stations.

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